Friday, August 10, 2012

Room 350

Last week our little family went up to the hospital for the birth of our friends, Nikki and Vic's son.  The last time we were there was for the birth of our sweet little girl.  When we arrived on the 3rd floor early that Tuesday morning, little guy was already in the nursery while his mommy was still in recovery after her scheduled c-section.  As they took the little guy from the nursery to be with his mommy, we went to hang out in the waiting room until they moved them to her room.  While we were waiting, my husband went to scope out where we had stayed, Room 350, since it was right by the waiting know, for old times sake.  The door was open and he could tell it was vacant, so obviously curiosity got the best of him and he went in to check it out.  When he came back, he let me know that it was prepped and ready to go for a new patient.  He and I kinda chuckled and wondered if Nikki would get this room.  Would she?  Really...what are the odds!?!  See, the thing is, our other great friends/next door neighbors/godparents to our child had a little girl one week to the day before Haylen was born.  They also had their little one at this hospital.  Want to take a guess at what room they had?  You got it!  Room 350.  Thinking back to February, we thought that coincidence was kinda crazy.  Each of us staying in the same room with our little ones just one week apart...with all the rooms in the maternity ward we got the same one!  Now fast forward to July, would it happen again?  Yup!  It sure did.  They wheeled Nikki right into Room 350.  Now, talk about coincidence!  All three of us got the exact same room!

Talk about bringing back memories.  Just watching her in the room with her little one took me right back to February 16th.  It seemed like just yesterday, that we were meeting our baby for the first time.  Listening to her first sound in the world!  I'll never forget it!  That first glimpse of our girl...

My heart melted.  From that moment on, I knew I would never look at things in the same way.  I was a mommy...we were parents...nothing compares to the birth of your child...nothing compares to the love you feel...
