Our Wedding

While at our wedding, one of my good friends suggested that I chronicle the events of our wedding.  She said it was too good to not document it.  Well, I'm not one to pass up a good idea, so on this page you will get a behind the scenes look at what went into our big day!

First of all, I'm not a planner.  Quite frankly, neither of us are.  We're just not.  So needless to say, planning a wedding was not exactly my cup of tea.  I wasn't exactly your typical bride that made sure everything was done months in advance.  Honestly, it was quite the opposite. We also decided that we didn't want your typical stuffy traditional wedding.  We were going for laid back, fun, and we wanted it done our way!


The Seagull Condominiums, Port Aransas, Texas

Despite the fact that our parents REALLY wanted us to have a church wedding (we're Catholic and to say getting married in the church is kinda a big deal is probably the understatement of the century!), we decided on a beach wedding.  Even though we were wanting to get married in June, we didn't find our location until the end of January.  Nothing like waiting until crunch time! Did we have a date set when we went looking...nope, just the month in mind.  This actually worked out quite nice because I didn't have to get my heart broken when "MY" date wasn't available.  We asked which weekends they had open and we picked our wedding date from there!  It all worked out!  Where we got married could not have been more perfect...right on the beach, waves crashing in the background, and the summer sun slowly setting around us!


Well this one may blow your mind just a bit.  I don't have it anymore.  Yup. That's right.  I had the dress for the weekend and gave it right back.  WHAT!?!  Hahaha!  The dress was a rental.  My great friend Patricia Scott helped me shop for my wedding dress.  She and I spent a day in the Woodlands to find my perfect wedding dress.  I had an idea of what I wanted to wear in my head...something not overly formal (we were getting married on the beach for crying out loud), it needed to have a beachy feel to it, and beyond that I figured I would just know when I saw it.  Well, Patricia has a friend who owns a boutique where you can rent designer gowns.  She asked if I'd like to see what she had and I was all in.  I figured, hey, why not, right.  I think Patricia had made 3 or 4 dress fitting appointments for that day, but our first stop was her friend's shop Couture House Rentals.  The first dress I tried on I fell in LOVE with!  No other dress I tried on at any other bridal shop compared to that dress at Couture House Rentals. 

 I paid more for my Tommy Bahama sandals than I did for my dress!  How many brides can say that...my wedding shoes cost more than my wedding dress!  I have to say I LOVE, LOVE, LOVED renting my dress.  I didn't have to worry about figuring out what to do with a ginormous dress that I was never going to wear again.  If you aren't sentimental about having your wedding dress in your closet for the rest of your life, I would totally recommend renting it.  Best decision. EVER.

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