Sunday, September 9, 2012

Six Months, Cereal, and Sweet Potatoes…Oh My!

Okay, I know its been a bit since my last post.  What can I say…life happens!  With getting ready to start a new school year, blogging kinda took a backseat.  Well, better late than never, so here goes…

August 16th our sweet little girl turned 6 months old.  My Goodness!!!  Where in the world has time gone!?!  In the blink of an eye, our baby is half a year old!  She had a fabulous 6 month check up, even though we didn’t get to see our pediatrician (she was on maternity leave).  The pediatrician we saw was great and said Haylen was doing fantastic.  She now weighs 14 pounds 14 ounces and is 26 1/4 inches long. Our sweet little Bug had more fun crinkling the paper on the exam table while we were there.  She ended up making a little mountain of crumpled up paper while waiting on the nurse to come give her her 6 month shots.  I really wish I had snapped a picture of it with my phone!  It was pretty impressive!  Just like her last round of shots, she cried when she got stuck but was fine 10 seconds later when she realized she was all done!  This time it was Bugs Bunny band-aids on those cute little legs!


August 16th was a big day for our girl, not only did she go to the doctor for her check-up, she tried rice cereal for the first time for dinner that night.  At the recommendation of our pediatrician, she had strictly been fed by mommy for the first 6 months.  I have to say that was the best advice because when she tried solids, she was ready.  She had no problems eating at all.  Heck, she even thought she could feed herself!  She kept grabbing the spoon and helping me put it in her mouth.  It was too cute!!! Here take a look…

Let’s just say, cereal was a big hit!  She loved it and I loved watching her eat from a spoon for the first time.  Seeing her experience new things is just simply amazing to watch!

I just LOVE that face, all covered with cereal!

Since trying cereal, we have moved on to veggies. We tried carrots first…

I think I might like this!  It’s pretty yummy!

Then squash…

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I’m getting the hang of this now!  What’s next?

Now for green beans…

I sure do like these!  Bring me some more!

Next we tried peas…

While not my favorite, I still ate them…although, as you can see more ended up on my bib.  Winking smile

My next veggie was sweet potatoes…

Now we’re talking!!! These are AWESOME!!!

I have to say our sweet girl has been a fantastic eater!  She loves sitting in her high chair, and it’s been so fun watching her explore new foods.  It’s amazing how this sweet little thing is growing up right before our eyes!