Wednesday, October 31, 2012


On October 8th, our sweet little family was able to pack up and head off to Dallas for a few days.  CJ had a conference to attend and Haylen and I came along for the ride.  This is by far the longest roadtrip and not to mention, the first hotel stay for our sweet little girl.  Quite the adventure for a 7 (almost 8) month old!!! 

We rolled out of town pretty late, but little one had a full tummy and we were armed with Geoffrey, her favorite stuffed giraffe, and her night night music, so our Baby Bug slept pretty much the whole way there. 

I was quite excited when we got to the hotel…we had a suite!  Yup, no being cooped up in a cramped hotel room with no space for my little crawler to move around.  That’s right!  We had a living room and a bedroom.  It was perfect!  Once we moved the coffee table out of the middle of the living room, it gave us so much extra space in the room to do activities! (LOL! Please excuse the Step Brothers quote…gotta love Will Ferrell!) 

Haylen had a blast crawling around and playing!  I had a blast just having 2 days off to relax and spend time with my sweet little family. It was perfect…rest, relaxation, good food, quality family time, and extra snuggles with my little cuddle bug!

Lazy mornings in the hotel, just hanging out in our jammies!

Daddy came up to the room to see us on each of his breaks.  It was so good to see him during the day!

Mommy just couldn’t resist a little mini photo shoot. 

Playing in the living room of our hotel.

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Haylen had more fun playing with the baby in the mirror.  It seriously could have kept her entertained for hours!  It kinda made me think a wall of mirrors in our house might not be a bad idea! Lol!

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Haylen’s first trip to Pappadeaux.

Dinner at Texas de Brazil…so good! 

This trip was such a great little getaway!