Saturday, December 15, 2012

Playing Catch-up

My goodness.  Where do I begin?  My poor little blog has been neglected for quite some time now.  The last time I posted was October!  Yikes!  Lots has happened since then…our sweet little girl has celebrated two holidays, has started crawling (legit crawling, not the army crawl she has been doing since a little before October), has has her first case of hives,  has had a nine month check-up, I’ve celebrated my 30th birthday (still can’t believe I’m 30!), CJ has completed another semester of grad school, we’ve taken our little one on her first big out of town shopping excursion…it’s been quite a ride.  I’ve been too busy experiencing life to take the time to sit down and write about it.  So as Baby Bug naps, I decided to take the time share what’s been going on.


PS:  This post is probably going to be a mile long.


First off…Haylen’s First Halloween!

I know you are all probably wondering what we dressed her up as.  I hate to disappoint, but little one did not have a costume.  Since she was too little to go trick-or-treating, we decided against a full blown costume.  Oh, but don’t worry, I sure did get her a super cute Halloween outfit.  Our Halloween evening was spent taking our girl to the Pumpkin Patch for the first time (Mommy had to get Halloween pictures and the Pumpkin Patch was the perfect place for a photo shoot) and handing out candy at our house.  She LOVED the pumpkins and had so much fun helping me answer the door to hand out candy!  Words cannot describe the feeling of watching her experience new things for the first time.  If only we could all experience the world through a child’s eyes. 

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First Case of Hives Sad smile

Little one came down with a cold and ended up getting hives, as well.  She went to the doctor with a fever and snotty nose on a Friday and on Sunday came down with a crazy case of hives.  So needless to say, that Monday we were back at the doctor’s office.  Doc said more than likely the cold virus she had caused the hives.  Benadryl worked wonders on them and she was back to normal by that Wednesday.

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Election Day aka Crawling Day

Haylen started crawling for real, I’m talking on all fours, on Election Day.  Now don’t get me wrong, this child has been mobile for quite some time now.  The thing is, she had this army crawl going on.  She would use her elbows and her legs to crawl/drag herself across the floor.  She used this method for quite some time because quite frankly, she was really good at it.  It got her where she need to go and got her there rather quickly I might add.  But on Election Day, she started crawling on her hands and knees and has been going ever since.  By the way, she’s even faster now.  We can’t turn our backs for 2 seconds.  She. Is. EVERYWHERE.  Take a look…


Haylen crawling for the first time on Election Day 2012



November16th – Nine Month Check-up

Mommy and Daddy both took the day off to take her to the doctor.  The check-up went well and Baby Bug is growing and developing right on track.  She had her finger pricked for the first time so that they could take some blood (all checked out great!) and she did get one shot while she was there, the second part of her flu vaccine, but she took it all like a champ…only cried a bit.  Smile

Her Stats:

Weight:  17lbs 5oz.   (35th  percentile)

Height:  28 in.  (66th percentile)


                                                         I’m 9 months old now!!!



Happy Thanksgiving!

It was Thanksgiving at our house.  Normally, we head back to our hometown for the holidays, but since we had just traveled down for Granny Lou’s 90th birthday…Yup, something else we need to add to our “have done since last post” list.  Haylen’s great grandma celebrated her 90th birthday and we just could not miss that!  Haylen even got to meet her cousin for the first time that day. 


To Be Continued…



Well, this post will have to be continued later.  Little Bug just woke up, and CJ just left to go pick us up some lunch.  Yes, I know it’s almost 2:00.  Don’t judge.  It’s been a lazy Saturday in the Havlik household…slept late, late breakfast, and now a late lunch.  We’re about to get it into gear though, because this afternoon we are headed out to do some Christmas shopping and we’ve got LOTS to do.  Wish us luck!