Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sweet Saturday

A sweet Saturday filled with special moments.  We didn’t do anything exciting or out of the ordinary, but I treasured every minute with my baby girl.  She’s growing up so fast and I just want to savor every second.

Haylen watching Zoe and Sammy chase each other on the back porch. She loves looking out the window to see what they are up to. 

Little one has found the Zoe’s water bowl and is drawn to it like a moth to a flame.  I kid you not, you turn your back for two seconds and she is splish splashing away!

She loves helping Mommy with the laundry.  She is the best at putting things in the dryer that I just took out, or taking things out that I just put in. 

Baby Bug had so much fun playing all morning, she feel asleep in her high chair while eating lunch. 

Just sharing a snack with Zoe.  I had given Haylen some Puffs and Zoe decided she needed some too!  Haylen decided to be a sweet sister shared her treat with Zoe.

Sometimes it’s the little things in life that mean the most.  Just a sweet Saturday with my girl!