Friday, July 19, 2013

Our Little Firecracker

I know, the Fourth of July has come and gone but I still wanted to take the time to share this post.  Our day was filled with family (C.J.’s parents came to spend the day), hot dogs (how American, huh? ;-)), and shopping.  With all the excitement of the day, our little firecracker refused to fizzle out and take a nap, so instead of going to watch the fireworks light up the night sky, it was lights out for our girl.  Guess we’ll be saving fireworks for next year.  Oh, and did I mention, we had a little Fourth of July photo shoot.

I love taking pictures.  I guess you could call photography my hobby.  Since my favorite subject is my kiddo, some might call it momtography.  If you are my father-in-law, you call it something I should seriously pursue (I love his confidence in me).  Whatever, you want to call it, I call it fun!  So sit back, relax, and enjoy the pictures.





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Happy 4th from the Havliks!