Monday, October 7, 2013

The Best Barbecue in Texas

Saturday morning our little family loaded up in the truck and headed about an hour down the road to Snow’s BBQ in Lexington for what has been deemed the best barbecue in the state.  I’m not joking when I say it, Snow’s really has been named the best barbecue in Texas according to Texas Monthly (check out the article here).  Now Snow’s isn’t your every day, run of the mill barbecue joint.  For one, they’re only open one day a week.  That’s right, you read correctly, one day only from 8:00am until they run out (which is usually well before noon).  We’ve witnessed this first hand.  The very first time we went to Snow’s we arrived around 10ish and all the had left was a few links of sausage.  Experience has made us wiser, and we now know you must arrive much, much earlier.  Yup, you gotta get your barbecue closer to 8:00am.  I know it sounds crazy, but trust me it is totally worth getting up at the crack of dawn.  Now, we always get it to go, but you’d be surprised how many people are lined up every Saturday morning at 8am and eat their barbecue for breakfast.  Brisket, beans, coleslaw, potato salad, you name it…tables are full inside and outside of barbecue lovers eating sausage instead of cereal, brisket instead of biscuits…you get the picture.  It really blew my mind the first time we went, but now it’s just part of the charm of going to Snow’s.  So, if you’re ever hungry for some barbecue and you don’t mind a little country drive, I highly recommend heading down to Lexington to try out Snow’s BBQ.  I guarantee you won’t regret it. 

The building is nothing fancy, but then again, that’s where you find some of the best places.

Trust me, it really is as good as it looks. 


Tootsie and Kerry…Snow’s pitmasters hard at work.
Haylen watching Daddy order.
Playing outside.
She had so much fun!  Just can’t wait to go back!