Monday, December 30, 2013

Santa’s Wonderland

Last night, we finally made it out to Santa’s Wonderland.  We, and by we, I mean I, had originally wanted to take Haylen there before Christmas, but that didn’t exactly work out as planned.  Time just got away from us. We decided that when we made it back home after the holidays, we would make sure to take her then.  Our little one has been enamored by Christmas lights since our trip to Dallas in November, and she also has a love of horses.  So, CJ and I decided to give our girl a special treat and take a horse and carriage ride through Santa’s Wonderland to see all of the lights.  Now, I have to say, the carriage ride is the way to go.  Not only did our child love it, we loved the fact that we didn’t have to wait in an insanely long line for the hayride.  It was totally worth every penny!!!  It’s gonna be carriage rides from here on out for this family!

As we were walking through the parking lot, we ran into the Scotts, some really great friends we have not seen in quite some time.  Honestly, what are the odds!?!  They were just passing through College Station and stopped off at Santa’s Wonderland.  I think we scared my husband and quite possibly everyone within a 5 mile radius…when I looked over at the couple walking next to us and realized that it really was them, I yelled Patricia’s  name, she screamed, CJ about jumped out of his skin, and the rest is history.  It was so great to see them again!  It really is funny how things work out.    


2013-12-29 18.15.55


Haylen watching the horses and carriages while we were waiting for our carriage.   IMG_7781_edited-1


Mae Mae, the horse that pulled our carriage through the park.  Haylen is still talking about her today. 



Haylen and Kayla2013-12-29 22.20.00


Seeing a real reindeer for the very first time.  2013-12-29 20.05.48-1


Me and Kayla 2013-12-29 21.42.32


Peeking in at Santa.2013-12-29 20.02.57


Family picture on the carriage ride2013-12-29 19.00.37


Our girl was all smiles!

2013-12-29 20.35.03


It really was a perfect night (if you don’t count the cold front that blew in as we were finishing our carriage ride and dropped the temperatures from totally doable to crazy cold!).

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Elf On Our Shelf

This year Haylen received a visitor from the North Pole who decided to camp out at our house through the month of December.  It did not take her long to catch on to how our little friend found a new spot each morning.  She would wake up every morning eager to find her elf.  “Mommy, where Buddy go?”  Where did he go, you might ask.  Well, just take a look and see…

December 1st:  Buddy arrives and decides to check out the view from our mantel.
2013-12-02 09.46.41

December 2nd:  Buddy likes music just like Haylen does so he decided the Bose SoundDock was the place to be.
2013-12-03 06.27.38

December 3rd:  H is for Haylen, and Havlik, and a happy little girl who loves searching for Buddy every morning. 
2013-12-03 23.34.25

December 4th:  Just hanging out in the dining room. 
2013-12-05 06.16.26

December 5th and 6th:  According to Buddy, “We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup.”  He must have really liked the syrup because he stayed there for 2 days!
2013-12-06 18.41.35

December 7th:  The stockings were finally hung by the chimney with care…
2013-12-08 12.19.45

December 8th:  Just checking out the quality of our new Christmas tree.
2013-12-08 21.40.48

December 9th:  J is for joy.
2013-12-10 22.27.24

December 10th:  Buddy was so excited about Haylen’s potty training success!!!  He saw how much Haylen liked her Nerds, he decided he needed some too! 
2013-12-12 22.33.33

December 11th:  Buddy decided to see what was cooking in the kitchen.
2013-12-12 22.35.45

December 12th:  Back to the living room.  He found yet another H.
2013-12-13 21.24.53

December 13th:  Buddy likes to color too!  Just showing off some of his artistic skills!
2013-12-13 21.46.19

December 14th:  Since the tree finally got decorated, Buddy decided to snuggle up with some of the left over ornaments.
2013-12-17 21.13.30

December 15th:  Buddy apparently needed a snack.  Haylen found out he likes animal crackers too!
2013-12-17 21.17.04

December 16th:  Mommy’s peppermint bark made Buddy feel right at home. 
2013-12-17 21.20.15

December 17th:  Hot chocolate time!!!
2013-12-17 21.26.24

December 18th:  Back to the mantel.
2013-12-19 22.03.45

December 19th:  Buddy is quite the avid little reader. 
2013-12-20 22.40.39

December 20th:  Back to the mantel.  Way to be creative Buddy. ;-)
2013-12-22 07.02.36

December 21st:  Buddy heard that we were traveling to MiMi and Poppa’s house for the holidays.  He was packed and ready to go…too bad Mommy and Daddy weren’t. 
2013-12-22 07.04.12

December 22nd:  Buddy decided to try another suitcase.  This one finally made it to the country.
2013-12-24 23.46.09

December 23rd:  Buddy found a familiar sight at MiMi’s house. 
2013-12-24 23.47.05

December 24th and 25th:  Buddy perched on the top of the little tree where he had the perfect view of Haylen opening presents on Christmas Eve.  He enjoyed it so much, Santa let him stay for Christmas Day as well.  He didn’t want to miss Haylen seeing what Santa brought!
2013-12-24 23.50.50

Well, Buddy has now safely made it back to the North Pole.  Haylen was sad to see him go, but we assured her he would be back to see her next year.