Friday, August 1, 2014


Haylen came busting out of the bathroom full speed holding her little stool.  I asked her, “What are you doing?”  She stopped for a brief second and quickly said, “I gotta see what’s going on,” and continued to run with her stool to the front door.
2014-06-12 17.53.26

I was looking on Facebook one morning and made a comment to CJ about something I had read.  “Looks like we won’t be seeing the Scotts when we go to The Woodlands today.  They’re going to Haiti.”  Haylen, who I didn’t think was even paying attention to the conversation pipes up, “Haiti?”  CJ says, “Yes, Haiti.  Haiti is a country.”  To which Little Bit replies, “Dad.  I already know that.”

Haylen:  “Mommy you’re beautiful!”
Me:  “I think you’re beautiful too!”
Haylen:  “Yeah!  Beautiful like a princess!” (as she spins around in a circle like she is twirling in a big ball gown)

While riding in the car to gymnastics…
Haylen:  “We need to build a barn for the cowies.”
CJ:  “Cowies???”
Haylen:  “Yeah!  Cowies!  I just made that up! (giggling hysterically)

Haylen brings me a paper she had been drawing on and said:  “Mommy I made you a heart ‘cause I love you!”
2014-07-05 08.52.08

While playing outside with Daddy, she fell down face first. 
Daddy:  “Whoa!  You ate it!
Haylen:  I ate it????  (picking herself up with a puzzled look)
Daddy:  “Yeah, ‘you ate it.’  You fell down.  (trying to explain that phrase to a two year old)
Haylen (without skipping a beat):  “Yeah.  I took a big bite!!!”

Haylen has recently decided that she likes discussing the weather.  Her favorite phrase is:  “Oh my.  It sure is a hot day today.”  She also changes the phrase based on the changing conditions:  “It sure is a windy day today.” 

At dinner the other night the following conversation occurs…
Haylen:  “Maybe we should buy baby sister her own high chair.” 
Me:  “She needs her own high chair?” 
Haylen:  “Yeah.  Not mine.  One that matches.”

At the beach Haylen was telling her Daddy about the treasure she had found in the sand… “I found treasure!!!  It’s GORGEOUS!!!” 

While on vacation this week, Haylen and I were sitting on the couch in the condo and out of the blue she turns to me and says, “Mommy, maybe we should buy a condo like this one.”  It took me by surprise so I repeated what she said just to make sure, “Did you just say we should buy a condo like this one???”  She looks a me with a huge smile and says, “Yeah! I like it!”  Boy how I wish we could have bought that condo. 

Speaking of that same condo, when Haylen first went in she kept running from room to room telling us, “This is AWESOME!!!  Mom!  Dad!  This is AWESOME!!!”  She was right.  It really was, but hearing it from a two year old was hilarious!  I mean, seriously, check out this kitchen.  It’s nicer than ours!
2014-07-30 09.45.49

Our San Antonio Weekend Part 2

Day 2 in San Antonio was spent just hanging out by the pool at my sister’s house.   We played in the pool, grilled burgers and hot dogs, watched a little World Cup soccer, baked brownies, and, all in all, just had a really great time being with family. 


Here are a few pictures from our stay…

IMG_0074_edited-1Playing with her new pool toys.

IMG_0080_edited-1Swimming pool fun! 

IMG_0083_edited-1Haylen convinced Uncle Mike the pool was WAY more fun than the patio.

IMG_0085_edited-1Looks like she was right!

IMG_0094_edited-1We sure are going to miss everyone when they move to Michigan.

IMG_0158_edited-1After playing in the pool, sometimes you just need a little snack.

IMG_0169_edited-1Back to swimming in the pool.

IMG_0190_edited-1Sometimes you just gotta busta’ move!

IMG_0186_edited-1Haylen was cracking us up dancing to the music.

IMG_0188_edited-1The child has some serious dance moves!

IMG_0193_edited-1Look at that face!  Daddy taught her how to impersonate Mick Jagger.  Oh. My!!!    

2014-06-21 18.37.27After swimming, Haylen and Aunt Missy baked brownies.

2014-06-22 09.59.28Sunday morning, of course, we all went and had breakfast at the Magnolia Pancake Haus.  Same place as all the other times, just a different location.  I’ve got to say, I like this location on Huebner Rd. much better.  It’s not the food, that’s amazing at both locations, I just liked how this was a stand alone building as opposed to being part of a strip mall.  Honestly, just thought it was prettier.  

2014-06-22 14.23.03On Sunday, instead of heading back early to go home, we decided to go do a little shopping at The Shops at La Cantera.  I needed a new pair of sunglasses and well, they have a Baby Gap.  I couldn’t, just couldn’t, pass up a trip to Baby Gap.  After shopping we stopped for a little snack.  Haylen LOVES Auntie Anne’s pretzel nuggets.


Our weekend in San Antonio was great!  We sure are going to miss having Aunt Missy, Uncle Mike and Preston just a car ride away.