Sunday, October 19, 2014

Family of Four

On October 16th, our life forever changed again.  We were no longer a family of 3.  We were now a family of 4!  Hollyn Sabine Havlik entered the world bright and early and utterly perfect in every way. 


We headed to the hospital super early Thursday morning.  Dr. Gayle wanted me in labor and delivery by 5:15am.  While we were both filled with anticipation and excitement heading to the hospital, I have to say I didn’t feel as nervous as I felt when we headed to the hospital to have Haylen.  Maybe its because this time we at least had an idea of how things were gonna go down.  We’re weren’t flying blind anymore.  We had been through this once before.  Either way, we checked in through the ER and headed up to Labor and Delivery.  When we had Haylen, before my c-section we were put in a little prep/recovery room that was partitioned off by a curtain.  Not exactly the best accommodations.   It was super small and you could only have a few visitors come back at a time.  They got me all set and ready, and when it was time for me to go to the O.R. for my spinal, they left C.J. in that tiny partitioned room to wait…alone…until he could join me in the operating room for the birth.  Talking to C.J., that was the longest, most nerve racking time of his life.  Just sitting alone with his thoughts, in a little room, all by himself, waiting for the biggest event of life.  It might have been a little stressful for him. However, fast forward to Hollyn’s birthday, this time instead of the little prep room, we got our very own labor and delivery suite.  I have to say that this made things much more laid back and comfortable.  We were allowed to have family in the room with us while we waited for my c-section.  And this time, when I was taken back, C.J. wasn’t alone, he had both sets of our parents and our 2 and a half year old to keep him busy.  Here are a few pictures from before Hollyn’s big arrival.


My last picture with baby sis still in my tummy.

Who knew this little IV would give us so much trouble.  It took only 3 attempts and 2 nurses to get it in. 

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Daddy all dressed and ready to go. 

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Mommy and Daddy patiently waiting to meet our sweet baby girl.

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Big Sis was passing the time playing photographer.

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Before long, it was time to go meet our new baby girl.  I was taken back to the O.R. first to get my spinal, and C.J. came shortly after.  At 7:30 on the dot, Dr. Gayle pulled out our sweet little Hollyn Sabine.  She was absolutely perfect!  7 pounds 9 ounces and 20 inches long. 

Our hearts melted the minute we saw our sweet baby girl.

While she looked very similar, she was definitely much smaller than her big sis.


Our very first picture with our brand new baby girl. 

After she was born, she was taken back to my labor and delivery suite where she and Daddy waited for me to get sewn back up.  The other awesome thing about my L&D room was that everything that used to be done in the nursery (first bath, footprints, etc.) was now done in the room.  So we didn’t miss a moment with our precious baby girl.  Now, as for me, I was pretty tired after my c-section, and I really don’t remember too much other than trying my best to stay awake afterwards.  I honestly don’t remember too too much about going back to the labor and delivery suite to recover.  But what I do remember is that I liked this room MUCH better than the little recovery room I had with Haylen.  It was a much more intimate experience just knowing my sweet baby girl was in her bed right next to me instead of in the nursery. 


After my recovery time, we made it to the room where we would spend the rest of our stay in the hospital.  Take a look at Haylen that evening.  Apparently, the first day of being a big sis will WEAR. YOU. OUT!!!

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Baby Hollyn just snoozing in Mommy’s arms that first night.

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Of course Mommy had a nice big bow ready. 

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Sweet little footprint.  So tiny!


Haylen is so in love with her baby sis!  The joy you see in her face when she holds Hollyn just melts my heart.


All dressed and ready to go home. 

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We were discharged Saturday afternoon from the hospital and headed home to begin our life as a family of 4!  Well…

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technically, family of 5 if you count her furry big sister who was super excited to meet her too!