Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween 2014

Well, Halloween 2014 is in the books.  It was our first holiday as a family of 4!  We spent a fun filled evening trick-or-treating with all of our sweet neighborhood friends.  Haylen had a blast running from house to house getting candy, while Baby Sis snoozed in my arms, all while I was trying to capture every moment on my camera (talk about a little juggling going on! Ha!)  Here are a few pictures from our evening.  Okay, “a few” might be a little bit of an understatement.  Either way, enjoy the picture overload!


Before heading out to trick-or-treat, I had to have a little photo session with my little Audrey Hepburn; however, this proved to be quite the challenge.  Haylen was so excited that she just kept running and skipping around.  Either way, I thought she looked quite adorable as Holly Golightly. 


A little side note here, CJ and I were curious as to how she was going to “like” her costume because up until about 2 days before Halloween, the child was dead set on the fact that she was going to be Captain Barnacles from the Octonauts.  Not only did she have her costume planned out, she planned out costumes for our entire family, including the dog.  She was going to be Captain Barnacles, Daddy was going to be Kwazii, Mommy was going to be Peso, Baby Sis was going to be Tunip, and Zoe, our dog, was going to be Dashi.  The kid had her little heart set on those costumes, and was quite adamant about them.  Anytime you asked her what she was going to be for Halloween or talked about trick-or-treating she would give you the rundown of everyone’s costume.  Then the day before Halloween it changed, and she was determined she was going to be a robot.  Either way, neither of the costumes she had deemed worthy were anywhere near what I had picked out and already bought for her.  Needless to say, I might have been a little worried that we would have a little meltdown come costume time.  However, Halloween morning while she was watching her shows on the Disney Channel, Special Agent Oso saved the day.  It was a Halloween episode and Special Agent Oso’s mission was to help a little girl find a princess costume to go trick-or-treating.  Haylen then turns to me and says, “Mommy, I want to be a princess!”  To which I quickly replied, “Absolutely!!! I have the perfect princess costume for you to wear tonight!”  Thank you Oso!  You saved the day!  Thank goodness for the Disney Channel!  That evening she was so excited to get dressed that she even told her Daddy to close his eyes until she was completely dressed so he would be surprised by her costume!







She had a little Marilyn Monroe moment while we were taking pictures.  A cool front had just come in that day, and needless to say, it was a little windy. 


After our front yard photo shoot, it was time to go trick-or-treating!  We headed out with a big group of our neighborhood friends.  All the kids had so much fun! 




Haylen came running back from almost every house telling us, “Mom! Dad!  My bag’s almost full!!!”




Our last stop of the night was at Mrs. G’s house.  Haylen loves Mrs. G. and that was the perfect stop to end our evening.  Haylen even invaded her house to get a drink of water.  Apparently, trick-or-treating can work up quite the thirst!  Thank goodness Mrs. G. loves Haylen too, so she didn’t seem to mind the home invasion too much! 

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After leaving Mrs. G’s, we headed back to our house because by this time Hollyn, who had been quite the little trooper all night, was getting hungry.  Of course, the minute we got home, Haylen (and Zoe), had to check out all her treats from the night.

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Here’s a picture of our littlest pumpkin.  Due to the fact that she was in one arm and my camera was in the other, I have no pictures of her while we were out and about, so this one was taken when we got home.

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All in all, the evening was a big success!  Happy Halloween from the Havlik’s!