Saturday, November 7, 2015

Our Little Pumpkin Turned ONE!!!

Seriously!?!  She’s one.  How in the world can my baby be one?  Didn’t I just have her?  They weren’t joking when they said, “time flies.”  I swear this year has flown by.  If I could slow down time, I totally would, but I wouldn’t change a minute of this year.  Are things crazier, busier, and more chaotic with two kiddos…Absolutely.  But that just means more love, cuddles, and more sweet memories to go around!

Hollyn Sabine Havlik.  Where do I start?  You have added so much to our family!  Your smile is contagious and has been since you were itty bitty.  Your giggles just fill the room.  You love being a part of everything, and always want to be right where the action is.  You definitely have spunk and an opinion all your own.  You absolutely adore your big sis and want to do everything she does…who cares if you’re too small, you try anyway!

You are such a talker.  While you have quite the little storehouse of words (Mama, Mommy, hi, bye, bye bye (insert the cutest little wave HERE), Hi Zoe!, more, Daddy, Dada (even though you know how to address your father properly, you usually choose to call him Mama), diaper, baby, bow, my bow (usually said as you take it off your head and show it to me), puppy, football (yes, you can recognize it on TV), etc.), you can babble a conversation with such expression and conviction even though neither you nor anyone else knows what in the world you are saying. 

You have the cutest, funniest, strangest little crawl.  Your Daddy calls it your Quasimodo crawl.  It works for you and sure does make us smile.  You have taken a few steps and will stand unassisted, but have yet to take off.  I have no doubt that it will happen quite soon.

You love going outside, as well as watching Zoe and Sammy through the window.  As for food, you now think baby food is beneath you when you see that someone else has something more interesting on their plate. You love Mommy’s spaghetti, MiMi’s stew, grapes, and Mrs. Steffany’s cookies and cupcakes (don’t worry Mommy definitely limits those, but your birthday was a special occasion).  You currently are NOT digging whole milk.  You’ll take a few sips and then toss your cup away.

You LOVE to cuddle and love being held (especially for naps.  I love that Mrs. Amy snuggles you every afternoon for naptime when Mommy is at work.  We are all so lucky to have Mrs. Amy.  She loves you and your sister just like Mommy and Daddy do.  If Mommy and Daddy can’t be with you all day, I am so thankful that Mrs. Amy can). 

You also have quite an affinity for music.  You love dancing with your Daddy and any time you hear music you start bouncing up and down and waving your little hands.  There have been many nights that you fall asleep on Daddy’s shoulder with the iPod going.  Talk about melt this mama’s heart. 

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I’m sure this next year is going to fly by just as fast.  But I vow to savor every minute.  I love watching you grow, learn, explore, and be the sweet little girl that you are.  So, Happy Birthday Beanie Bear!  We all love you more than words can express!