Thursday, June 8, 2017

Our Anniversary Weekend, Part 1

This past weekend, CJ and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary.  We wanted to do something special to celebrate, and CJ came up with the idea to drive to Corpus Christi.  It was a last minute idea (I’m just going to be honest here, all of our ideas are last minute ideas.  We aren’t much on planning things out way in advance over here).  I think it was Tuesday when we actually finalized things to leave that Friday.  I cannot thank his parents enough because without them this little spur of the moment trip would have been impossible.  You see, they agreed to drive and meet us in Corpus to watch our sweet girls so that CJ and I could enjoy a night out by ourselves.  They really are amazing!!!

By the time Friday rolled around, we still had much to do before taking off.  For starters, it was National Donut Day and that’s just one holiday you do not miss in this house.  The girls and I went to Kai’s to go pick out an awesome spread to take up to Daddy’s summer school to share with his staff. 


I mean, seriously, don’t those just look AMAZING!?!  The girls had so much fun picking out the different donuts for everyone.


While they had fun picking random ones for everyone else, they knew exactly what they wanted to put into our box.  Hollyn got her Elmo donut, Haylen opted for a red velvet, while I picked out maple bacon, old fashioned, and blueberry for CJ and I. 


The girls were so excited to deliver our goodies!  After delivering donuts to all the teachers, it was finally time to sit and enjoy our own. 


Ha! What is it with kids and having to lick the icing first?


Hollyn is the exact same, most of the icing went first before she ever got a bit of her donut!


We sure do love getting to visit Daddy while he’s at work.  

Now after leaving Daddy’s school, the girls and I headed over to Discount Tire to get our tires balanced and rotated before we left on our trip.  This is something CJ normally takes care of, but he assured me it was easy and shouldn’t take long.  Well, he was HALF right.  It sure wasn’t difficult, but by golly, it took FOREVER!  There were so many people ahead of us when we got there that there were only 2 chairs left in the waiting area.  Thankfully, I remembered to bring the girls’ Leap Pads to give them something to do to pass the time. 


After a while, Haylen got bored watching her videos and playing games, so she decided to start vlogging in the middle of Discount Tire.  She used the video recorder on her Leap Pad and went to town.  It was hilarious!  She gave her “viewers” the run down of our day…We celebrated National Donut Day, took donuts to her dad at school, we were now in Discount tire and they were being SO slow, her exact words here were, “we’ve been here like 100 minutes and they still have NOT touched our car, see…” (she then turned her camera for a shot of our car still in the same spot in the parking lot), she gave then gave a tour of Discount Tire, and ended with our plans to go to Corpus so that her mommy and daddy could go on a date.   Ha!  That girl is something else!  After almost 2 hours, our car was finally done and we headed home to eat lunch, pack up, and hit the road. 

The trip to Corpus was long (4 hours), but the girls did great.  We arrived a little after 7:00pm, just in time to get into our hotel room, send the girls off with Mimi and Papa, get dressed and make our dinner reservation at 8:00pm.