Tuesday, May 8, 2012

And The Tradition Lives On

Every time there was a new child born into our family my grandmother, Gran, as I called her, would always crochet a baby blanket for them.  I vividly remember sitting on the couch next to her as she crocheted in her chair.  It used to fascinate me what she could do with a needle and yarn.  As a child, she made me baby blankets for my dolls, and I always took it for granted that one day, when I became a mommy, she would crochet my little one a special blanket.  Well, I'm now a mommy and my beloved Gran passed away two years ago.  My baby girl never got her blanket from her Great Gran.  I must be honest tears are slowly running down my cheeks as I write this.  My Gran meant the world to me and I would have loved for her to meet her precious great grandbaby.  But I cannot be sad.  I know that she is looking down on us right now...and always.  I cannot help but think that she beamed with pride upon finding out that our sweet little girl shares her middle name.  She may be gone, but her spirit definitely lives on!

After our baby girl was born, we got a package from my Aunt Doris (Gran's only daughter).  She had sent a gift for Haylen.  When I opened up that box, words could not express what I felt.  Folded up neatly was this...

a BEAUTIFUL hand crocheted blanket made special for my baby girl! 

The detail and the time that went into this blanket are amazing!  But most importantly...the love!  

Every time Haylen lays on this blanket I cannot help but think...She got her blanket after all!!!  Aunt Doris is carrying on the tradition.  I don't think she'll ever know, quite frankly I don't know if I can express with words, just how much this sweet blanket she made means to me.  Aunt Doris, thank you for the blanket and for keeping Gran close to our hearts!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday Surprise

This afternoon Haylen was sitting in her swing while I was reading her The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  Both of us were perfectly content reading when the doorbell rang.  The first thought that popped into my mind, quite frankly, it more than likely came out of my mouth too, was "Oh shit!!!"  I know what you're thinking, "My goodness why is she cussing in front of her child!"  Well for one, she can't exactly understand what I'm saying right now, and if she could she won't be repeating it anytime soon.  And two, I was sitting in the comfort of my home reading to my child still wearing my pajamas (a very large t-shirt) complete with spit-up and all.  Don't judge, I'm on maternity leave and I was doing housework, both of which do not require decent clothes, make-up, or shorts!  I couldn't answer the door looking like this!!!  But, I couldn't run to another room and pretend I wasn't home either (our door has a window in it...I would have been noticed).  While I was contemplating my options, the dude at the door walks off.  Luckily, it was only the UPS man.  He rang the doorbell to let us know he had dropped off a package and was gone.  Crisis averted!!!

After the initial scare, I was really excited to get a package.  It's not everyday we get packages dropped off at our front door.  When I opened the box, I thought "WOW, now that's a LOT of packing peanuts!"

 After further digging, I pulled out these two boxes...

 And what I found inside was so sweet.  Aunt Vicki had sent Haylen a little Gymboree outfit and a Scentsy Buddy!  Take a look.  How cute is that!?!

Haylen is going to look adorable in that outfit and that little piggy is going to go perfect in her room, not to mention, it's going to make her room smell so good!

While the doorbell ringing about scared me to death, opening the door to such a thoughtful gift made my afternoon (and inspired me to put shorts on)!  Thanks Aunt Vicki for such a sweet surprise!