Thursday, June 6, 2013

Mommy and Me

Well, we made it!  Summer break is finally here.  Another school year is behind us, while a beautiful summer lies ahead.  I’m just gonna go ahead and say it.  I love summer.  Period.  End of sentence.  Need I say more?  No work.  No morning alarm clocks blaring in my ear as I hit snooze for the twentieth time.  But most importantly, no leaving my girl!  I get to be a stay at home mom! (well, until school starts up again, but that’s a little ways off so really who even wants to talk about that now!?!)  I get to spend each and every day with our precious little girl.  I cannot even begin to tell you how happy that makes me.  This is a big summer for us.  Our baby girl is growing up in the blink of an eye, and while the thought of that can bring me to tears, it is also super exciting.  It opens up a whole new world of things our Baby Bug can now enjoy, things she was “too little” for last summer.  First of which is…Gymnastics!!!

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I signed Haylen up for the Mommy and Me class at a local gym.  As I signed her up, I was just hoping she would be just as excited about it as I was.  After signing her up, I  had to go buy her a new leotard.  Simply had to.  If we’re gonna do this, we’re gonna do it right.  While the gym I signed her up at didn’t have a pro-shop, the gym right down the road sure did.  I may, or may not, have bought them out of every leotard in her size.  Don’t judge.  It was only three. 

Tuesday was the big day.  I got her dressed early because, for those of you who know me, you’re probably not surprised that we had to have a little photo shoot before we left.  There was no way I was passing up the opportunity to capture all that cuteness in a little leotard!  Oh. My. Goodness.  Haylen LOVED her new outfit!  She was prancing around and strutting her stuff.  I know you’re probably thinking, she’s 15 months old.  Really?  How much “strutting” was she doing.  Well, you be the judge…


Just look at that.  My child is such a ham! 


And this one.  My, oh my! 

Her gymnastics class ended up being a big hit!  She absolutely loved it!  I  loved being able to share that time with her.  Seeing her walking on the beam, practicing forward rolls, jumping on the trampoline…Loved every minute!   

I just couldn’t resist.  Here are a few more pictures from Tuesday.

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In other news, I started gymnastics too!  I had my class last night.  Thirty years old, and a kiddo later, I can still tumble!  Cartwheels, round-offs, round-off back handspring, round-off and TWO back handsprings, and even standing tucks (this one with a spot of course), and most importantly, I lived to tell about it!  It was so much fun, but boy do I feel it today.  I sure ain’t no spring chicken anymore!  Thank goodness for my wonderful mother-in-law who got me a gift certificate to Elements Therapeutic Massage for Mother’s Day.  Guess who’s cashing it in tomorrow!

Well, until our next adventure.  Happy Summer!

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