Saturday, June 4, 2016

National Doughnut Day


Yesterday was National Doughnut Day.  Now tell me…seriously…how do you NOT celebrate that holiday!?!  We are not the type of family to miss out on a holiday, especially not one that involves food, so I loaded up the girls and we headed to Kai’s Doughnut Co., in Bryan.  Being the cool mom that I am, I let the girls pick out our spread.  Hollyn had a blast pointing and saying, “This one, Mom!  This one!”


Tell me these don’t look AMAZING!!!

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Haylen was such a big helper!  She held the big ol’ box of doughnuts for us.

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I know what you’re probably thinking…DANG, that’s a LOT of doughnuts for 3 people.  Now as much as I might have liked to keep all this yumminess to myself, we decided to share our National Doughnut Day spread with others.  You see, CJ is teaching summer school so we headed straight there after leaving Kai’s to surprise his co-workers with a sweet treat. 


The girls loved going up to school to see Daddy and sharing their doughnuts….Well, most of the doughnuts.  Haylen made sure to let everyone know that the Fruity Pebbles and the maple bacon doughnut were OFF LIMITS.  Ha! 

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What!?!  Don’t you eat the icing off your doughnut first?

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Let’s just say we might have a new favorite summer holiday to celebrate! 

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