Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sweating to the Oldies...Ha ha! Not really!

I did it.  I officially started excising again on Tuesday.  Yea me, right!?!

I made a New Year's resolution, as we all do, to begin exercising on a more regular basis.  It's not like I'm in a horrible state right now, but I'm getting married this summer, on a beach none the less, and I just want to be a little more "toned" than I am right now.  Not too much to ask for right?  Well, I guess its just been a little hard to get started.  I tend to always find excuses...I'm tired is usually at the top of that list (hey, give me a break, I work with 6 year olds all day)  Not to mention, I'm REALLY good at finding other things to do with my time besides exercising...playing with the dog, doing laundry, cooking dinner, lounging on the couch watching mindless TV, basically anything other than exercising.  So, I have to say I was really proud of myself when I finally did it Tuesday!  I popped in one of my many workout DVDs and let the "toning" begin!

The workout went fantastic, broke a good sweat, really life was good...UNTIL I woke up Wednesday morning.  I felt like an old person, moaning and groaning with every move!  Okay, honestly, I may be exaggerating a little here, but you get the picture.  Apparently I worked muscles that I hadn't worked in a long time!  But, I stuck with it.  When I got home from work, I hopped on our elliptical and went at it again.  I felt like, "Hey, I did it!  I'm back on the exercise bandwagon and it's rolling right along!  Two days in a ROW!!!"

That leaves us here at Day 3 on the Workout Wagon...
Would you believe I got distracted by working on my blog????  That's a good excuse right?  At least I'm writing about exercising...

Nope...not an excuse!  Time to put up or shut up.  I'm going to stop writing, post this, get off my tush, and hop on that elliptical like I should have done about an hour ago.

Seriously, why did I have to wait until 9:00 to get in gear!?!

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