Monday, March 28, 2011

Just Another Manic Monday

As the weekend comes to a close and another Monday comes at ya full force, I can't help but always feel like...I wish it were Sunday...cause that's my fun day...but it's just another Manic Monday! Sorry for the 80's song reference (gotta love the Bangles), but you get where I'm going with this.  It just never feels like the weekend is long enough.  Long, short, quick, slow, ready, or not, Monday is here...again!

Despite it currently being Monday evening, as I look back at the days events up until now, it really has not been so Manic, even for a Monday.  While my day started off like a typical Monday (my first grade friends were a little rowdy at school today...I'm going to go ahead and blame that one on the weather), it's ended up as anything but.  Normally, I'm pretty much DONE when I get home from work on Mondays.  I usually try to cook something big on Sunday, just so I don't have to cook, or do much of anything for that matter, on Monday nights.  However, it is currently about 8:30 pm and I have cooked dinner (a pretty doggone good dinner), cleaned the kitchen, done a load of laundry, and am now currently filling you in on the details of my day.  You might want to write this down, take note or something, because I might not be this productive on a Monday for another hundred years!

Seriously, not too shabby for a Monday!!! (If I do say so myself)

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