Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I Will Survive!!!

Well, we're rolling...again!  Our sweet baby Haylen has now mastered rolling from her back to her tummy.  She figured it out about 8 o'clock last night.  Five months and one day, and she is rolling both ways!

She's a resourceful little bugger.  The first time she did it, she totally cheated.  She's been so close to making it over, yet she seemed to keep getting stuck on her side.  Well last night while she was on her blanket, she decided she was determined to make it all the way over, no matter what it took.  If you notice in the video, her play place is right beside her.  Well, she decided to use it.  She rolled to her side and then grabbed on her play mat and pulled with all her might.  And, By Golly!!! It worked!!!  She proceeded to pull herself all the way over!  CJ and I were both so excited, but were wondering if she could do it all on her own, without any help.  So, I scooted her over, just so the play mat was out of reach, and she rolled herself right on over! And has been rolling ever since.  Its really quite hilarious!  She now barrel rolls until she can't roll anymore (because something, usually her play place, stopped her).  Back to tummy, tummy to back, and right back over again.  She has figured out how to move from one place to another, and boy is she on the move now! Watch out!!!

While I was so excited she reached another milestone, I have to be honest, another part of me was bracing myself for what was to come next...BEDTIME!  Why bedtime, you might ask?  Well, this is what Haylen looks like when she's ready for bed...

Our sweet little girl loves to be swaddled.  Each night she sleeps in her baby straight jacket.  Yup, you read right.  I said straight jacket...well technically its official name is a SwaddleMe.  It seriously reminds me of a straight jacket, so that's what I lovingly named it!  Either way, she is used to being as snug as a bug in a rug when she sleeps..that's how she got her nickname, Bug!  Our sweet little thing has been sleeping through the night since Easter.  Well, now that she's rolling, it is no longer safe to swaddle her.  Now I'm not completely crazy.  We have been working on sleeping without being swaddled for several weeks now.  We've just been working on it at naptime though.  Lets just say, naptime doesn't last very long without her swaddle.  She has gotten much better, but there is a definite difference in the length of the nap.  So, needless to say, I was a little worried about how last night would go.

Well the night started off just like always.  She ate, I changed her, and she went right to sleep like the sweet little angel she is.  Then right when I had finally dozed off, I couldn't have been asleep more than 30 minutes, she woke up crying.  We were up from midnight until about 2:50am.  She just could not settle down.  Every time I put her to sleep in her bed she would move and then wake right up and start crying all over again.  She was so tired, but she knew something was different and she just couldn't go to sleep. It broke my heart seeing her so upset!!!  Last night was a little rough!  Finally, right before 3 o'clock, I laid her in her bed and turned on her stuffed bear (she has a bear that plays a lullaby when you wind it up).  She laid there listening to the bear and kept rubbing its foot.  It took me winding it up about 3 times before she finally drifted off to sleep.  After that, she slept straight until about 5:50am.  I'm hoping last night was the worst of it.  The first night of something new is always the worst, right?!

Well my little princess is currently sleeping soundly in her bed without her baby straight jacket again.  Going to bed was smooth sailing...lets hope the rest of the night goes just as smoothly!!!  Wish us well!!!


  1. Aww, way to go Haylen! She is just precious!! Maybe try a sleep sack? Brady still isn't sleeping all that great throughout the night, wears me out! I miss swaddling him, sometimes if he is having a rough day/time sleeping I still swaddle him and instantly calms him. They grow up way too fast!!

  2. Yay, Haylen! Amelia rolled over for the first time over the July 4th weekend! Not ready for her to start rolling like this, though!
