Monday, July 9, 2012

Happy 4th...On the 9th!

Happy 4th of July everyone!  I know I'm a little behind on this one, but better late than never, right?

This was our first 4th of July as a family of 3 with our sweet little girl (well, technically, a family of 4 if you count our 4 legged furry daughter).  And one of the joys of having a precious little girl is being able to dress her up for each and every holiday!  The evening of the 3rd was spent finding her the perfect little outfit.  For those of you who know me, I never do anything ahead of time...I work better under, shopping for a new outfit at 8 o'clock the night before is just how I roll!  My mission was definitely accomplished. Haylen got two new outfits, 2 onesies, and a pair of Polo shoes.  The only thing I didn't find was a bow to match.  A little side note here...I may have a slight problem...I kinda have a thing for hair bows!  My child never leaves the house without one.  Her outfit is not complete unless she has a bow to match. :-)  So, the morning of the 4th I just had to go to Michael's to buy ribbons to match her new clothes.  I have now learned  how to make hair bows which has really just added to my addiction.  Oh, well!  It could be worse, right!?!  Either way, her outfit was complete!

Our first 4th of July together was really big parades, no fireworks, no traveling; however, anytime spent with my little family is precious to me no matter how uneventful it may be! 


  1. Oh I love her dress! I'm with you on finding the perfect outfit for a holiday/event. I whipped up a 4th of July onesie together like 2 hours before the party we were going too. The bow looks great! At least it will save you lots of money...I'm going to be in trouble if my next one is a girl ;)

  2. Thanks Nancy! It's good to know I'm not the only obsessed with dressing up my child! :-) While I can save money with the bows, I also have a thing for matching shoes too! Too bad I can't make those! LOL!!! Just wait until you have a much many accessories! I love the onesie you made for Brady! He looked so cute with his little plaid shorts to match!
