Sunday, June 24, 2012

And We're Rolling!

Our precious baby girl hit a milestone...she is now rolling!  While playing in her crib yesterday morning, she rolled from her tummy to her back.  CJ and I were both there cheering her on like she was competing in some Olympic event.  After rolling over, her face was priceless.  I don't know if it was from the sheer fact that she finally got herself out of tummy time (she isn't always such a big fan), or because her parents were carrying on like a bunch of crazy fanatics.  Either way, she knew she accomplished something big!  I turned into a big blubbering mess after she rolled over.  Okay, maybe big blubbering mess is a bit of a stretch, but it sure did bring tears to my eyes.  My baby girl is growing up and learning to do new things.  That's kinda an emotional thing for this Mommy, so just let me have my moment! After I composed myself, I grabbed my phone and was able to capture her rolling over on video.  She was more than happy to show off her new move.

Watch out tummy time...Haylen is now in charge of how long you two hang out, and I have a feeling there's gonna be a whole lot of rolling going on!

Here's to many more milestones to come!

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