Sunday, June 3, 2012

What a Difference a Year Can Make

A little over a year ago was the last time we went to Round Top.  We had been telling our good friends about Royers and what a great place it was to eat and about how awesome their pies were.  So, we really didn't have to twist their arms when we decided to take a little day trip to go eat there.

We really love this little cafe.  It's quaint, quirky, and just an awesome place to visit.

We had such a great time on our trip!  We ate lunch at Royers and spent the rest of the afternoon checking out the shops around town and taking pictures.  Here's one of the ones we took...

I just loved that yellow bench!  Why am I telling you about our little trip last summer you may ask... Well, I vividly remember that trip because I couldn't keep my eyes open on our drive home and when we finally got home, I passed out on the couch...sitting up I might add.  For those of you who know me, I don't nap on the couch, I just can't get comfortable there.  If I want to nap, I go to the bed where it's nice and comfy.  But I was SO TIRED it didn't matter where I was.  This was one of the first signs that I knew something was up.  A week later I found out I was pregnant with our sweet little girl!

Well yesterday, we took our first family road trip back to Round Top.  Its amazing how thing have changed so much in just one year!

Here's our little family pic outside of Royers.

And another one of me and Haylen on the porch of the cafe.  The sweet people at Royers even gave her a free Royers onesie that says "I'm a Cutie Pie!".  She was so good on our trip!  She slept while we ate lunch which meant I got to eat while my food was actually hot! LOL!  After lunch we went to check out the new shops they added in Henkel Square.  She was just taking it all in and was just a smiling and talking to everyone who stopped to say hi to her!  We had such a great time!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for exposing us to the wonderful town of Round Top! I'm feeling another trip to Royer's when Trap's born and I really want to check out the antique show.
