Sunday, June 10, 2012

Week in Review

This has been a really busy week in the Havlik household!  For one, it was our first week of summer vacation!  Woohoo!!! (just go ahead and picture me doing my happy dance right about now. LOL!)  I love that CJ and I both have our summers off, especially now since we have our precious little girl!  I'm just soaking up every minute with her!  Honestly, I could ramble on about her forever, but I won't.  I'll get back to the post at hand!

Our week started off with CJ and I celebrating our one year wedding anniversary on Monday.  I can't believe its been a year already...and what a busy year it has been!  Our really great friend Nicole watched Haylen so that CJ and I could go out for dinner at the Republic, one of our all time favorite restaurants, to celebrate.

The Republic in College Station, Texas

Our dinner was out of this world, but then again the food is always remarkable there!  We started off with drinks.  I had my first glass of wine in a year! Ahh! It was wonderful!!!  Why haven't I had a glass of wine is a whole year?  Well, its called Haylen Sophie Havlik...first pregnancy, then feeding.  It was pump and dump on Monday night (all you moms out there know exactly what I'm talking about ;-) )  For our starters, I had their tomato soup while CJ had their steakhouse wedge salad.  The soup was by far the best tomato soup I've ever had.  It was creamy and delectable while not being too heavy or overly rich...the perfect starter in my opinion.  For our entrees we each had one of The Republic's mouthwatering steaks, I, the New York Strip and CJ, the Bone-in Ribeye, accompanied by creamed spinach and steak fries.  Our favorite waiter, Todd, waited on us, and we let him know that we were celebrating our anniversary.  He made my evening when he brought out our dessert...

I'm such a sucker for messages written on dessert plates in chocolate!  We ended our meal with their Apple French Toast and 2 cups of coffee.  I must say, I loved our evening out!

This past Thursday, our precious little girl turned 16 weeks old...4 MONTHS!  My goodness I wish time would just slow down!  She has developed such a cute little personality!  I think she's going to be quite the little character! She still loves to snuggle with her Snugabunny and play with her toes!  Anytime you lay her down, those toes are in her hands and then go straight to her mouth!  She is reaching out and grabbing what she wants with so much more accuracy now!  While she has always been a talker, Saturday she found her voice...boy did she find it.  She has been "talking" rather loudly and then she will just grin and giggle at the sounds she makes.  It is the cutest thing EVER!  She also started making what we call her "monster noises".  Its this "Aaaagh" sound that reminds me of our friends' daughter Kayla.  When Kayla was about 2, she would pretend to be a monster to "scare" CJ and her brother Beau.  She would put both her little hands out in front of her and make this noise while chasing the boys down the hall.  I swear that is exactly what Haylen's new sound reminds me of! :-) Oh, memories!!! Before we know it, our little girl will be chasing her Daddy making the same sound!  Here is a picture I took of her on Friday.  I love having mini photo sessions with my girl!

Yesterday, we went to a family reunion in Ellinger, TX.  Yet another road trip for our sweet little family.  Haylen is awesome when riding in the car!  I hope that never changes because it makes traveling anywhere so much easier! Haylen is really a laid back child.  She is usually really happy any place we take, restaurants...Well we found out she draws the line at family reunions! LOL!  Don't get me wrong she wasn't a cranky pants; however, she was not her happy go lucky self.  I really think it was the microphone that she didn't like.  We got there in time for the family meeting and the live auction.  I have to be honest the talking on the microphone was bothering me!  It was really loud.  So we went back to the kitchen area of the hall and set up camp there.  It was much quieter and she got to play with her play place and her bouncer that we brought (I felt like I was packing to go away for a week with all the stuff we took for our one afternoon outing...oh, the joys of traveling with a baby!).  At the reunion, Haylen won the prize for being the "Youngest Baby Girl" there.  As you can see from the picture she was just a little unsure of all the noise!

All in all, it wasn't a bad trip.  It was a really good trip if you count the two packages of kolaches we brought back with us!

Yum!!! You just can't beat fresh kolaches!

Well, as you can see it's been a busy week for us Havliks and I think I'm finally done with my mile long post! Until next time...

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