Monday, April 22, 2013

Milkshakes Make Everything Better

I’m not sure why, but my child decided to boycott her naps today.  I guess she thought she didn’t need them.  Maybe she just wanted to soak it all in today and didn’t want to miss a moment.  Whatever the reason may be, I am here to let you know that might not have been a wise decision on her part. 


She finally crashed after dinner and slept for about an hour. Before her after dinner siesta, she wasn’t fussy or irritable.  I could just tell she was tired.  Mommy just knows.  After her little snooze, now that was a different story.  She was happy as long as Mommy was holding her.  The minute I would put her down she would fuss and whine.  Heck, we even saw some real tears in there.  She loves her bath, so I figured if anything would make her happy, that definitely would.  Boy, was I wrong.  That was the saddest bath I have ever seen.  There were tears in the bathtub.  Seriously!?!  Tears?  Now by this time, I’m really wondering if she’s not feeling good.  Is there a tooth coming in that’s hurting her?  What is going on?  She is never unhappy for bath time. Never.  This has to be something more than just being tired.


A little side note here.  CJ went to get milkshakes while I was bathing Haylen.  He returned just as I was putting her pj’s on.  By the way, she was still unhappy.  She cried the whole time I dressed her.  I was finally able to get her to stop crying, but she was still just not herself.  And, she still would not let me put her down.  She finally decided it was okay for us to sit on the couch together.  By this time CJ had given me my milkshake and boy was she interested. 


2013-04-22 20.15.11


I gave her a little sip and I kid you not, it was like she flipped the switch.  My whiney, crying, little lump of sadness, turned into the silly, giggly, girl she usually is.  One sip.  It’s not like I can blame this change on the sugar.  One sip.  That strawberry milkshake was the magic cure. 


      2013-04-22 20.13.55  2013-04-22 20.14.39


These aren’t the best pictures.  She was moving, and I was laughing as I was taking them.  You can still see her puffy eyes and red nose from her trip to sadsville, but look at that sly little grin!  I guess a little strawberry shake goes a long way.  Apparently, milkshakes make it all better!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Caption This

It all started with this picture…


I posted it on Facebook and it got quite the response.  My husband loves this pic, as do I.  Seriously, what’s not to love!?!  Have you seen a more realistic family photo?  He thinks this picture should be on next year’s Christmas card.  Most of my Facebook friends agree.  Where exactly am I going with this you might ask?  Well, one of my friends said not only should we use this on our Christmas card, it should say…"Then some other kid said Santa wasn't real..." Clever, huh?

Well, that comment led to that same awesomely tech savvy friend to create this…

We laughed so hard!  Then came this…

poopie head
Cracked me up!!!  Oh wait.  It gets better…

Are you kidding!?!  Seriously. Hilarious!  It keeps going…

This might possibly be my favorite!  It has the funny but true element going.  You might think we’re done.  Nope.  Here’s another one…

Are you laughing yet?  I am!  Check this one out…

Oh. My. Goodness.  I don’t think I’ve laughed this hard in quite some time.  Are you ready for one more…

This one is classic!

This picture might possibly be the perfect picture for captions.  Thank you Shannon Long for making my Friday night!  These are all picture perfect!!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Just Keeping It Real

Yesterday, I was reading several little articles online with tips to having a successful blog.  Why, you might ask?  Quite frankly, I got distracted.  A friend had told me about, so I was checking it out.  I was on the site, originally looking for coupons, and happened to find these articles.  One thing led to another, and I thought, hey, I have a blog.  I want a successful blog.  I want more readers.  I might get some good tips. As I read, I was kinda making a little checklist in my head…can I do this, do I do this, or ha, probably not gonna happen.  It goes a little something like this:

1.) Be you.
          Check.  I’m me.  Not really interested in pretending to be anyone or anything else.  I kind of have my hands full with me as it is.  I don’t need to add another person to the list.

2.)  Don’t use massive paragraphs without page breaks.
          Okay, I think I’m pretty good with this one.  I’m really a visual person.  I don’t enjoy reading one massive big jumbled mess, so why would I make others do it.  Again, check.

3. )  Successful bloggers are consistent.
           Well, I thought I had this…okay, sort of had this…until I kept reading.  Apparently, posting once a month isn’t exactly considered “consistent” in the successful blogging world.  Fine.  Shoot me.  I have a toddler, a job, a husband getting his masters degree, a house to run, a dog to walk… Guess I’m gonna have to work on this one.

4.)  Comment on other blogs.
          Does it count if I comment in my head?  I read other blogs and often can relate to what’s going on.  Apparently, I should let someone other than my brain know. 

5.)  Host giveaways.
        Here’s my Ha! Probably not gonna happen.  Well, not anytime soon, anyway.  What am I going to give away, the piles of laundry I haven’t gotten to yet?  If I don’t want them, pretty sure no one else does either.  The article did have a link to tips and suggestions for starting giveaways…guess I should have kept reading.  I’m willing to bet a laundry giveaway isn’t one of the tips.

6.)  Be careful.
       They say once you publish something, you can never really take it back.  This shouldn’t be too hard.  Don’t air your dirty laundy.  (Apparently, I have a thing for laundry tonight)

7.)  Be real
       This might possibly be my favorite tip.  They stated, “Readers aren’t looking for perfectionism, they are looking for real-ness.”  Well, look no further.  How’s this for real…

Family Easter Pic 2013