Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Just Keeping It Real

Yesterday, I was reading several little articles online with tips to having a successful blog.  Why, you might ask?  Quite frankly, I got distracted.  A friend had told me about, so I was checking it out.  I was on the site, originally looking for coupons, and happened to find these articles.  One thing led to another, and I thought, hey, I have a blog.  I want a successful blog.  I want more readers.  I might get some good tips. As I read, I was kinda making a little checklist in my head…can I do this, do I do this, or ha, probably not gonna happen.  It goes a little something like this:

1.) Be you.
          Check.  I’m me.  Not really interested in pretending to be anyone or anything else.  I kind of have my hands full with me as it is.  I don’t need to add another person to the list.

2.)  Don’t use massive paragraphs without page breaks.
          Okay, I think I’m pretty good with this one.  I’m really a visual person.  I don’t enjoy reading one massive big jumbled mess, so why would I make others do it.  Again, check.

3. )  Successful bloggers are consistent.
           Well, I thought I had this…okay, sort of had this…until I kept reading.  Apparently, posting once a month isn’t exactly considered “consistent” in the successful blogging world.  Fine.  Shoot me.  I have a toddler, a job, a husband getting his masters degree, a house to run, a dog to walk… Guess I’m gonna have to work on this one.

4.)  Comment on other blogs.
          Does it count if I comment in my head?  I read other blogs and often can relate to what’s going on.  Apparently, I should let someone other than my brain know. 

5.)  Host giveaways.
        Here’s my Ha! Probably not gonna happen.  Well, not anytime soon, anyway.  What am I going to give away, the piles of laundry I haven’t gotten to yet?  If I don’t want them, pretty sure no one else does either.  The article did have a link to tips and suggestions for starting giveaways…guess I should have kept reading.  I’m willing to bet a laundry giveaway isn’t one of the tips.

6.)  Be careful.
       They say once you publish something, you can never really take it back.  This shouldn’t be too hard.  Don’t air your dirty laundy.  (Apparently, I have a thing for laundry tonight)

7.)  Be real
       This might possibly be my favorite tip.  They stated, “Readers aren’t looking for perfectionism, they are looking for real-ness.”  Well, look no further.  How’s this for real…

Family Easter Pic 2013

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