Saturday, January 25, 2014

Snow Delay

Watch out people!  It’s snowing in Texas!!!  Well…kinda.  An artic blast came our way Thursday night bringing ice, sleet, snow, and lots of road conditions us central Texans just aren’t used to.  So, in honor of this wonderful weather, school started 2 hours late!  WooHoo!!!  Happy Dance!  Happy Dance!!!  If you couldn’t tell, I might have been a little excited about that extra time off from work.  It meant extra time with my sweet little family AND our baby girl was able to see that white stuff she kept singing about all Christmas season long (Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow).

Waking up Friday morning was glorious, just knowing we didn’t have to get up and start getting ready right away was amazing.  I was able to leisurely sip my nice hot coffee and hang out in my pj’s, something I don’t get the luxury of doing on weekdays.  Let’s be honest here, I’m usually drinking my coffee as I’m trying to straighten my hair and put on my makeup all the while trying not to poke my eye out or burn myself.  Not exactly the most relaxing start to the day, but hey, it’s what I do.  So, needless to say, Friday was a real treat!  As we sat on the couch drinking our coffee, Haylen brings me my iPhone that she’s been playing with.  She had found and opened my new Starbucks app, showed me a picture of a latte, and said quite matter of factly, “I need Starbucks.”  She then proceeded to jump and prance around the living room chanting, “Caramel Spice!  Caramel Spice!”  OH. MY.  Our child can readily identify the Starbucks logo and tell you her specific drink of choice (Caramel Apple Spice).  How many 23 month olds do that!?!  Most kiddos can spot the golden arches a mile away..NOT our kid…she knows Starbucks!

Once the sun came up, we went back outside.  Yup, that’s right.  Back out.  We first went out while the coffee was brewing to check out the winter wonderland.  It was still super dark, so I just snapped a few iPhone pics.  Very winter wonderlandy, huh!?!
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So, the second time we went out, I brought the good camera to document Haylen’s first snow!  She loved it!  It’s always amazing to see her experience something for the first time.  The wonder and amazement in her eyes was priceless.  It sure does make this mommy happy to see it! 
Haylen’s first snow!!!
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Daddy’s lack of pooper scooping the backyard was bothering her.  “EWWWW! POOP!!!”  So, she decided to take matters into her own hands.  (just keeping it real, folks!)

Sweet little feet in the snow.

My sweet girls!  Two peas in a pod, or partners in crime…however, you choose to look at it!
Checking out the snow.
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She had just seen Aunt D in this picture, who had come out to take snow pictures too.

Our very own winter wonderland.  Check out all the white stuff…


After all our picture taking fun and playing in the snow, I had to come back to reality and actually get ready to go to work.  Bummer!  But on the bright side, our day was 2 hours shorter, and I get a jeans day on Monday to make up for losing my conference time to the delay.  Jeans on Mondays make me happy.  It’s the little things, I guess!  And after school I took my sweet girl on a little Starbucks date to get that “Caramel Spice” she needed so early that morning.
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 Hope everyone enjoyed your very own snow delay/day yesterday.  I know we did!!!

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