Saturday, May 24, 2014


Our child is quite the talker, and sometimes the things that come out of her mouth…well, they’re cute, or funny, or sometimes wise beyond her 2 little years, and quite frankly, I just don’t want to forget them.  So, I decided to start writing “Haylenisms” to help us remember just what comes out of her mouth!


Here’s one from a while back…if I had to guess I’d say she was about 21-22 months old.  We were watching T.V. together.  I may or may not be a Duck Dynasty fan.  Anyways.  She sees it come on and yells, “Duck Dinosaur!!!”  After I recovered from a fit of laughter, I let her know it was Duck Dynasty to which she looks at me like, Mom…seriously you’re mistaken, and literally proceeds to sound it out for me, “No, Duck Dinosaur…Di-NO-Saur.”  To this day, it is still known as Duck Dinosaur in our house. 


While zipping up her jacket before school, I realized that the fabric of her jacket was caught in her zipper.  So, like any good mother, I’m trying to get it unstuck.  While I think I’m being productive and helping her, my husband walks in the kitchen and this comes out of my child’s mouth, “Daddy, you zip up my jacket please?  Mommy’s having trouble.”  Really!?!  She’s doubting my skills already!


While trying to use the bathroom with the door closed (something you apparently can’t do with a 2 year old), Haylen begins knocking on the door saying, “Mommy, open up.  I neeeeeeed you.”  I tell her to give me 2 seconds and the knocking continues.  I open the door to the saddest little face on the cutest little 2 year old who gives me a hug like she hasn’t seen me in 3 years (mind you it hasn’t even been 3 minutes) and she proceeds to tell me, “Mommy I was crying!”  I look at her and tell her that she’s fine and I see absolutely no tears.  She then, very seriously points to her eyes and says, “Mommy, the tears were in my eyes.” I guess I should have realized they were in there and could have fallen at any minute. 


We were eating out and she was getting a little loud, so I reminded her to use her inside voice so that we don’t bother the people around us.  A few minutes later, CJ was playing with her and being silly and she quickly tells him, “Daddy.  Inside voice please.  No bother the people!”


She was playing with her Daddy the other day and the following conversation ensued:

Haylen:  Daddy, what’s that?

Daddy:  A mole.

Haylen:  Why?

Daddy:  Um…God gave it to me.

Haylen:  Where’s God.

Daddy:  In the sky.

Haylen:  (looking up to the ceiling and waving)  Hi God!  Thanks for giving my Daddy a mole!!!


To be continued…

2014-05-06 17.49.02

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