Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Feeding the Ducks

Over spring break, I know I’m going back in time a little bit here, we met Haylen’s sweet friend Emma Grace for a little playdate at the park.  We all went with the intention of letting the girls feed the ducks at the pond.  When we got there that afternoon, we found the ducks, however, I have never seen ducks more disinterested in being fed.  Normally, these ducks can’t get enough.  Not this day.  I’ve never seen ducks so willingly swim away from food.  Oh, well.  It didn’t seem to bother the girls.  They had a blast anyway.  Haylen still talks about wanting to go back to the park to feed the ducks with Emma Grace. 
We may just have to go back again this summer.  Maybe, just maybe, the ducks might be hungry this time. 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Family Fun in The Woodlands

Today we took a little day trip to The Woodlands.  CJ had a class to attend at the Woodlands Center, and it was the perfect excuse for Haylen and I to tag along and have a little girl time shopping while Daddy was in class.  For those who know me, it’s no surprise that I love The Woodlands.  You could say its my happy place…good food, good shopping, Baby Gap…need I say more.  Haylen and I spent the morning leisurely strolling in and out of shops that we just can’t find here in College Station.  I’m so glad my child enjoys this as much as I do!  We then picked up CJ, had lunch, and then let Haylen have fun at the splash pad.  Here are a few highlights of our day…

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Haylen was having a blast shopping at Baby Gap.  Are two year olds supposed to be this into trying on clothes?  Mini shopaholic in the making???  We might be in trouble!

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We had lunch at Jasper’s.  This was our first time to eat there.  We had read that they had amazing ribs so we had to try them out.  They definitely didn’t disappoint.  Everything we had was really tasty! 

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After lunch, our little water bug was eyeing the splash pad.  It was a beautiful day and we had extra clothes in her bag, so we let her loose.  She absolutely LOVED it!

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A quick change of clothes, and we were off to our final stop for the day. 

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All that splashing on the splash pad called for a refreshing drink for the ride home. 

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I’m not sure who’s drink she liked more…my vanilla bean frappuccino or Daddy’s very berry hibiscus refresher.  She made sure to get her fill of each. 

Today was such a fun little family trip!  I hope to go back again soon! 

Monday, June 9, 2014


Haylen’s caterpillar, Heimlich, finally became a beautiful butterfly.  When we were outside going to release him, Haylen says, “It’s Heimlich’s birthday!”  CJ and I both chuckled when she said this.  She looked at us both and replied quite seriously, “Well it is.”
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CJ and I were discussing what to make (key word MAKE) for breakfast on our first day of summer vacation.  I suggested oatmeal.  Haylen quickly gets excited and says, “Yes!  From Starbucks!  Mommy, I need my own.”  Oh. My.  This kid and Starbucks…not only does she like their drinks, she likes their food too. 

Driving down the road we approach a traffic light that has just turned red.  From the back seat we hear, “Daddy!   Slow down!  Red means STOP!!!”  We might have a backseat driver on our hands. 

Haylen:  “Daddy, let’s go night, night!” 
Daddy:  “Do you want Daddy to sing you a lullaby?” (Daddy starts singing…)
Haylen:  “No Daddy.  No singing in the bed.  Your singing scares me.”

“Mommy!  I made an H!  Line, line, cross in the middle!”
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Haylen had been watching TV in the bedroom.  She comes into the living room where she tells us, “Need to put pajamas on.  It’s almost bedtime.  It’s getting dark.”  She then turns around and goes back to the bedroom.  Several minutes later she comes busting into the living room pointing her little finger at us and says, “Hey.  Four minutes ‘til bedtime,” and then proceeds to show us her four fingers, “Four minutes.”

Haylen was in the bathroom standing in front of the countertops.  She points to the drawer directly under the sink and says, “Fake drawer,” and then points to the drawer in the middle and says, “Real drawer.”  She and I had talked about the drawers before, so I let her know she is right and then told her, “This is a real drawer because it opens.  This one is fake because is doesn’t open.”  Then the teacher in me comes out and I can’t help but ask her a little comprehension question, “What makes that a fake drawer?”  Without skipping a beat she leans in, puts her little pointer finger up in the air like she has just had a major “aha moment,” and whispers to me with confidence, “Pirates!”  Not exactly the answer I was looking for…I was going for it doesn’t open…but by golly it was hilarious!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

You Are My Sunshine 2nd Birthday Party

Party planning is something I really enjoy.  For Haylen’s 2nd birthday I wanted to come up with something really cute.  To be completely honest, I found my inspiration at Baby Gap this year.  Yup.  I found this yellow eyelet dress, fell in love, and the theme was set…You Are My Sunshine.  I used yellow with grey accents and was able to incorporate my favorite, chevron patterns. 


Here are a few pictures from the party.  Enjoy!

IMG_3185_edited-1Here is our little sweet station…yellow rock candy, lemon lollipops, lemon drops, sugar cookies (made and decorated by me), and her cupcakes from Cupcakes Couture.  I used grey chevron fabric as a backdrop and made the yellow burlap banner with her name to top it all off.




IMG_3188_edited-1We got two Chick-fil-a party trays, one with chicken nuggets and one with fruit for the kiddos, and for the adults we picked up Snow’s BBQ. 

IMG_3173_edited-1I made all the printables with lyrics from “You Are My Sunshine” on Powerpoint and just put them in white frames.  I was super happy with how they turned out!

IMG_3255_edited-1 Sugar cookies for party favors. 

IMG_3181_edited-1Another burlap banner I made to decorate our fireplace.


All in all, I loved how it all came together.  It was perfect for our sweet little birthday girl!