Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Back to School

I feel like my poor little blog always gets neglected this time of year.  With school starting back up, focus seems to shift to getting everything ready for the new school year.  I’m sure any of you teachers out there would understand this.  So for now, my posts about our summer zoo trip and our awesome beach vacation are going to have wait just a little bit longer.  But in the meantime, here’s what’s been going on in the Havlik household as of late…


School started back up, kiddos and all, last Monday… 

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I didn’t take any pictures until Thursday.  It was Aggie Game Day!!!  First game of the season called for new Aggie clothes for our whole family (Haylen and I went shopping Wednesday night.  I went to the mall needing make up and came back with new Aggie gear for everyone.  It just seemed like the right thing to do!).  Here’s Haylen modeling her new Aggie dress.  Gig’em!

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We had a busy evening Friday.  I had a check-up and Haylen had gymnastics.  We quickly changed into her leo and put her hair up in a ponytail right after school and headed straight to the doctor’s office.  When we got out of the car, Haylen found this tree and sweetly requested, “Mommy take a picture of me in front of this tree.”  Who was I to deny her a few pictures!?!  By the time we finished snapping these, CJ drove up and we all headed in to the office together.  Baby sister had a great check-up and we ended our evening with some awesome Mexican food. 

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This about sums up our Saturday.  Sometimes you just need a lazy Saturday to recover from your first week back at work.  There’s no tired like teacher tired after that first week of school.  Not sure what Zoe’s excuse was, but as you can see, she was lounging just as much as we were. 

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I was totally productive on Sunday.  Guess I had to make up for the lack of motivation I had on Saturday.  We woke up early and hit the floor running.  Haylen and I made homemade pancakes, whole wheat pancakes to be exact.  Yummy AND healthy!  I may just have to post the recipe on here sometime.  Haylen loves to eat them and loves to help me make them.  I remember spending weekends in the kitchen with my Gran and I remember how special those moments were to me.  So, I can’t help but smile when Haylen is so eager to grab the stool, pull it up to the countertop, and be my little helper.  Just making memories! 

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We had lunch at Carter’s Burger.  Nothing like a little ice cream after lunch.  From there we went to run all of our errands…, grocery store, Petsmart, Sam’s…all to get ready for the week ahead.  CJ’s mom came in later that afternoon while Haylen and I were snoozing.  Apparently, all those errands wore us out because we took a nice little, okay I’ll be honest here, nice long nap.  We finished the evening with a little Texas Roadhouse takeout.


Monday was a hard day.  One of our sweet second graders at school unexpectedly passed away over the weekend.  Death is never easy, but the passing of a child…words cannot express that feeling.  As a Mommy, it made me just want to snuggle my girl a little closer and make the most of every moment.  

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On a happier note, I found out Monday afternoon that Haylen’s picture had won the Instagram contest at her gym.  I never win anything, like ever, so this was quite exciting!  We won back our fall registration fee. Woohoo!!!  Speaking of the gym, Haylen had class that evening and then we all went to eat dinner at Sodolak’s.  2014-09-01 18.56.45-2

While eating dinner Haylen informs me, “Mommy, I’m eating my orcas.”  Oh my!  That was supposed to be okra, but I couldn’t help but picture her trying to take a bite out of Shamu! 


Well, it’s now Wednesday, and we’ve made it halfway through the second week of school.  My goal is to do a better job updating this little blog, but we’ll see how that goes.  Baby sister will make her debut in about 6 weeks and we have lots to get ready before then.  So until next time…

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