Monday, December 22, 2014


“Daddy, you need to mow our grass.  It’s getting taller and taller like a mountain.”

“Mommy, may I have a sip of your water?  I’m thirsty!  I just gotta stay hydrated.”  Seriously!?!  Hydrated!?!  What two year old uses the word hydrated?  Oh yeah, ours!  She uses the word quite frequently and correctly.

“Mommy, I hiked up my pants.  I look like Urkel”                                                       The kid has no idea who Urkel is.  All she knows is that I had made a comment once, a while back, when she pulled up her pants a bit too high that she looked like Urkel.  Apparently, she took that comment, stored it away, and decided to pull it back out at that football game.  It blows my mind what this child remembers.
2014-10-10 19.31.58

Haylen – “Mommy, did you say awesome???”
Me – “Yes”
Haylen – “ I say that all the time!!!”
(My Goodness!  Two going on teenager!)

“Mom, the sun is coming up over my favorite planet!  EARTH!!!”

Haylen – “Daddy what’s your buddy’s name?”
Daddy – “Charlie Matzig
Haylen – “That’s a funny name.  Let’s name him something else.” 
(Sorry Charlie!!!  The new name she came up with was “Boobie Chachi Aggie.”  Not sure that’s much better…)

While looking in the mirror while brushing her teeth, she stops, points to one of her perfect spiral curls, and says, “Mommy, my hair is round like tornado!”

“Look Mommy!  I made a circle out of my okras!”                                                  When your mom is a teacher, you don’t get in trouble for playing with your food for educational purposes.
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In her very best exhausted and weary voice with an expression to match, she proceeds to tell us, (insert dramatic sigh here) “I need a holiday!”                                             Oh my!  Is she British!?!  She needs a holiday! (Thanks Peppa Pig)  Her dad and I then had to break it to her that she’s pretty much on holiday every day. Ha!  She is now referring to Santa as Father Christmas, as well.  Before we know it she’ll be speaking with an accent! 

While driving out to gymnastics…
Haylen - “Daddy, watch out for hawks. My Daddy hits hawks all the time.” 
Daddy – I do not.  I only hit one!
Haylen – No (shaking her head with quite a convincing look on her face)
Daddy – (insert sarcasm here) Well how many have I hit?
Haylen – (counting on her little fingers)  “One, two, three, four.  You hit four!!!”
A little back story… On the way back from eating at M. Beaux’s one night, we hit a hawk.  Well, more accurately that hawk hit us.  That sucker flew right into the front of our Tahoe and there wasn’t a darn thing we could do about it.  We even have a little dint on the front our hood to prove it.  Ever since then, Haylen swears her dad hits hawks all the time, and she reminds him of it every chance she gets. LOL!

Anytime baby Hollyn starts to fuss Haylen will tell us:  “Mommy, we’ve got a feisty britches on our hands!” 
Here’s another one for you.  As I’m typing this post, Haylen points to the picture above and says, “Hey, that’s me and feisty britches!” Yup, it sure is!

We had just left Cane’s with our lunch and were driving away when I hear this from the backseat:
Haylen – “Mommy, I want to go to the little devil place.”
Me – Did you just say you want to go to the little devil place???
Haylen – Yeah!  They have beans, and tacos, and rice, and chips!!!
Oh, Torchy’s, apparently you’ve won our daughter’s heart.  For a split second I was a little curious about where exactly she wanted to go…

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