Sunday, January 25, 2015

A Picture a Day (Days 1-14)

January 1st I started a photo challenge on Instagram created by Andrea over at Momfessionals and Erika at A Little Bit of Everything.  #thephotochallenge2015 has a picture prompt for every day of the month, so basically you interpret the prompt as you see it, take a picture, and post it to Instagram with the the hashtag #thephotochallenge2015. 

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Now I admit I have missed two or three prompts; however, I have NOT missed posting a picture to Instagram each day.  This challenge has really inspired me to take a daily picture of what is going on with our little family, and I have absolutely loved looking back at all the pictures I have taken so far.  It’s like little snapshots of our life lately and the memories we are making along the way.  Here’s a peek into what’s been going on so far…


Day 1:  New – New Year. New cookbook. New recipe.  By the way, the swirled peanut butter bars were amazing.  I will definitely be making them again.

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Day 2: PJs – Flower nightgown and striped pajama pants…the latest in bedtime fashion.  Haylen picked out what she was going to sleep in and was very happy with her choice.  For some reason nightgowns and pj pants are always a favorite combo.

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Day 3:  We got our two cuties ready and headed out for a day of shopping and errands. 

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Our first stop was Cracker Barrel.  Funny enough Haylen was the only one to order breakfast.  This was quite a rarity, but hey, the lunch I had was pretty darn good.    

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Day 4:  Childhood – This is what childhood is all about…Jumping in muddy puddles!  We took advantage of an afternoon of sun and headed to the park. 

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Day 5:  Rise and Shine – Rise and Shine!  It’s donut time!!!  The great thing about maternity leave is that if you daughter wants donuts on a Monday morning you hop in the car and head on to Shipley’s. 

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Day 6:  Close Up – There’s nothing more precious than a close up of a sweet smile.  Talk about melt my heart.

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Day 7:  Shape – These two are definitely not going to help me get in shape, but who the heck cares!  Blue Baker chocolate chip cookies are the best!

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Day 8:  Organized – Out to eat for dinner and then a quick trip to the grocery store.  After eating, Haylen drew while I organized my grocery list.  I always organize my list based on where you find the item in the store.  Makes shopping so much easier. 

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Day 9:  Relax – The girl knows how to kick back and relax!

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Day 10:  Cold – There’s nothing better than hot chocolate on a cold night.  I’m so loving Haylen’s little Starbucks mini mug.  It’s the perfect size for her, so perfect we ended up buying her two of them for Christmas. 

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Day 11:  Mom – So very thankful to be their mom.

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Day 12:  Colorful – We brightened up this cold grey day by building bright colorful Lego towers this afternoon.

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Day 13:  Neighborhood – Even though it’s cold and cloudy today, we decided to go on a quick stroll around the neighborhood.

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Day 14:  2:00pm – Two o’clock tea party.  Normally Haylen is snoozing at this time, but when the electrician takes longer than expected, you have a spot of tea instead of a nap…that is until he leaves.  Once he’s gone naptime is in full effect.   

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Stay tuned.  There’s more pictures to come!

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