Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Back to the Grind

Well it’s all over but the crying.  My maternity leave has officially come to an end.  And yes, there were tears.  Now don’t get me wrong, I’m very thankful for all the time I had off (I’ve been off since October 14th) and I really do love my job and everyone I work with, but by golly I REALLY LOVE my girls and I wish wish wish I could just stay home and love on them all day, but sadly that’s not in the cards.  So, it’s back to the grind and in all honesty, once I got to work it was really good seeing everyone and getting five million hugs from all the kiddos (I think they might have missed me a just a bit!).  Now its just getting used to and settling into our new normal with me back at work. 


On our way to Mrs. Amy’s, Haylen drew me the cutest little smiley face.

2015-01-27 07.17.00

CJ was so awesome and came with me to drop off the girls on my first day back.  Here he is waving to Mrs. Amy after getting Hollyn out of the Tahoe.

2015-01-27 07.22.17 

And here is my sweet baby girl right before we left.  She was out cold.  So all in all, the transition went really smoothly for her.  I was so proud of myself, I did not cry dropping them off.  I think having CJ there and knowing that Mrs. Amy was going to love on them all day really helped.  If I can’t be with them all day, I take heart in knowing that Amy can.  She is truly amazing, our babies love her, and so do we.

2015-01-27 07.25.48

That evening we all went on a family walk.  The weather was too beautiful not to.

2015-01-27 17.08.45

So small, yet so much sass. 

2015-01-27 17.07.05

Well, there you have it.  We (and by we, I mean me) survived the end of my maternity leave and in all honesty it wasn’t near as bad as I thought it would be. 

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