Saturday, January 31, 2015

A Picture a Day (Days 15-31)

Here are the rest of my January Photo Challenge pictures.  I have to say, I’ve really enjoyed participating in this challenge! 

2015-01-01 08.33.11

Day 15:  Friends – Andy Bunny.  Haylen’s favorite stuffed animal.  These two have been best friends for quite some time.  She never goes to sleep without him. 

2015-01-15 16.06.29-1

Day 16:  Delicious – Had an amazing lunch with great friends.  The chicken marsala was absolutely delicious. 

2015-01-16 12.59.24-2

Babiators.  All the cool kids have them.  Hollyn also got her first pair of Babiators from Aunt Mindi on day 16. 

2015-01-16 14.23.45-2

Day 17:  Yellow – Watching Curious George with Haylen before naptime.  It doesn’t get much more yellow than The Man in the Yellow Hat, or “The Man in the Yellow Pants” as Haylen just called him. 

2015-01-17 12.45.36-1

Day 18:  School – I think everyone is excited that Daddy doesn’t have to go to school tomorrow.  Three day weekends are the best!

2015-01-18 20.01.19-2

Day 19:  Hand – I love how she holds one sweet little hand over the other. 

2015-01-19 21.07.32-1

Day 20:  Unique – Oh sweet Zoe.  You have quite a unique way of snuggling under the blanket to get comfy.

2015-01-20 20.26.57-1

Day 21:  Conversation on the way home from Starbucks

Haylen:  Mommy, can I have a sip of your frappuccino?

Me:  Just wait until we get home and you can have your own.  You just gotta be patient.

Haylen:  (sigh)  That’s kinda hard with a frappuccino.

What can I say, the kid loves her frappuccino!

2015-01-21 15.49.59-1

Day 22:  Black and White – Tonight Haylen was pretending she was Kate and Daddy was Mim Mim from one of her new favorite shows, Kate and Mim Mim.  She decided if she put her leggings on Daddy’s head he would look much more like Mim Mim. 

2015-01-22 19.40.53-1

Day 23:  I spy – I spy someone trying to figure out if she can reach the light string while standing on the bed.

2015-01-23 19.45.24-1

Day 24:  Just waiting for our BBQ.  I have to say Fargo’s is always worth the wait.

2015-01-24 13.11.14-2

Day 25:  Remember – I remember taking this picture like it was just yesterday.  I can’t believe this sweet little girl is going to be 3 in about 3 weeks!

2015-01-25 19.21.47

Day 26:  Lunch date with my sweet girl at her favorite restaurant!

2015-01-26 10.57.18-2

Day 27:  On my right – On my right is a sweet girl who loves to read a story before bed.

2015-01-27 19.33.48-1

Day 28:  All clean!

2015-01-28 20.06.46-1

Day 29:  This evening Haylen received a debilitating knee injury, and by debilitating I mean she slightly scraped it.  She has been limping dramatically all evening.  So when she asked to watch Bubble Guppies I put on the episode “Call a Clambulance.”  (Seemed fitting)  This is the face I got when I asked her if she needed a clambulance.

2015-01-29 18.29.44-1

Day 30:  Full – This morning our halls were full of excitement…kinder parade, drum line…Happy 100th Day of School everyone!

 2015-01-30 08.07.14-1

Day 31:  Just entertaining herself in the checkout aisle.  Who says your can’t have fun at HEB!

2015-01-31 15.04.48-1

And there you have it.  A picture for each day of January. 

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