Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Mommy, That Shot Hurt!!!

Friday, we took Haylen to the doctor for her two year well check up.  Two years!?!  Really???  Where in the world has time gone?  Seriously, my baby girl is growing so fast!  But more about that later.  Sorry, I digress.  Back to the story at hand.  CJ and I both took the day off.  I couldn’t have asked for a better Valentine’s present than having the day to spend with my two favorite people.  We had a leisurely morning, an early lunch at Chuy’s, went shopping at Toys R Us, and then headed to UPA for her appointment.  Apparently, our morning had worn her out because this is how she looked when we pulled into the parking lot.
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I’m telling you, the girl did not flinch when I took her out of her seat.  She was OUT!  She didn’t wake up until I had to sit her on the scale.  At first, she stayed asleep, even with me trying to hold her up without affecting the scale.  She wobbled back and forth for a bit, but after leaning to far one way, she woke right up.  She was quite startled when she figured out where she was.  Talk about a rude awakening.  Let’s just say there were a few tears.  No worries.  She settled down and ended up having a great check-up.   

Here’s how she measured up for the day:
Weight:  29 lbs. 6 oz.  (88%)
Height:  3 ft (94%)
BMI:  15.9 (25%)
Head Circumference:  48  cm (72%)

Dr. Sullivan was very happy with her progress both physically and developmentally.  Can she say more than 10 words?  Check…Oh my…We passed 10 a LONG time ago.  Is she putting together 2 word sentences?  Check…and then some.  Is she jumping on two feet?  Check.  Dr. Sullivan even asked her how old she was going to be to which she quickly answered, “Two!”  Ears, eyes, nose, chest, tummy.  They all checked out great as well.   Now, the real fun of our appointment began after Dr. Sullivan was all done with her check-up.  And by fun, I mean way more tears and a shot.  The super cool Daffy Duck band-aid her nurse put on it afterwards did nothing to make her any happier.  She usually loves a “super cool band-aid…Nope!  She wasn’t having it!
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This is her in the car as we were leaving the doctor’s office.  Check out that pitiful expression.  She’s pulling up her leggings to see where her poor little leg was stuck.  And from there came the quote of the day.  She looked at me and in a sad, yet very direct and very frank voice said, “Mommy. That. Shot. HURT!”  I wish I had videoed her saying it.  She expressed such indignation!  Not gonna lie, it cracked me up! 
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Well, after the rude awakening, and shot to top it off, we thought a little treat might help take the edge off.  Frappuccinos make everything better, right?  Well, almost.  She still kept reminding us.  Every time she looked at her leg, every time she went potty and saw the band-aid, when she thought we might have forgotten how she felt about it, she let us know, “That. Shot. Hurt!!!”

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