Thursday, February 6, 2014

Pin, Lose, or Draw #1: Peanut Butter Rice Krispies

Recently, my hubby has had a hankering for peanut butter rice krispies.  As you might have guessed, I headed right to Pinterest to find a recipe to quell his craving.  I actually pinned 3 (shocking, right!?!).  After showing him pictures and ingredients of each, we decided on this recipe, Peanut Butter Rice Krispies with Chocolate Frosting.

Now let’s begin!
The ingredients were quite simple: 
  • 6 cups Rice Krispies
  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 1 cup Light Corn Syrup
  • 1/4 cup Butter
  • 1 cup Peanut Butter
  • 12 oz. chocolate chips

You start by heating the sugar, corn syrup, and butter until it comes to a good boil.  Once it boils, take the mixture off of the heat and stir in the peanut butter.  After it is good and smooth, add in the Rice Krispies.

Next, transfer the mixture to a 13 x 9 pan.  Don’t forget to spray you pan with cooking spray first (I used original Pam).  Once everything was all settled in the pan, I began melting the chocolate for the frosting.  (A little helpful hint here…take the time and use a double boiler.  I didn’t the first time and ended up throwing away a big ol’ clump of chocolate.  I knew better.  Not my finest moment…)

Once your chocolate is safely melted, spread it on top of your rice krispie treats and let it sit.  Now, due to my chocolate melting debacle, I had about half the amount the recipe called for (thank goodness I had about half a bag of milk chocolate chips in the pantry); however, I think the amount of chocolate I ended up with on top was perfect.   The recipe recommended chilling your treats in the refrigerator, but I didn’t since my husband wasn’t crazy about the idea of cold rice krispies. 

This recipe was quick and easy to follow.  But most importantly, my husband enjoyed it!  They actually turned out much denser than I had thought they would.  I think I had the idea of regular rice krispie treats in my head (you know the ones made with ooey gooey marshmallows that you pull apart with your fingers).  Well, these definitely do not have the pull apart effect, but they taste really good. 

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