Monday, July 7, 2014

A Little Taste of Paradise

Today was one of those days that you just can’t help but appreciate the fact that its summertime.  As a family, we were able to get a few things accomplished, but most importantly we had some fun!  We all went for a walk this morning, and there was a breeze blowing that was actually somewhat cool.  We played at the park.  Haylen got registered for her fall gymnastics classes.  In the words of our daughter, “We took our new new Tahoe to get a bath.”  FYI, our new new Tahoe isn’t really “new new” anymore.  We’ve actually had it since December; however, Haylen has referred to it as our new new Tahoe since then, and I have a feeling that she may still refer to it as such 10 years down the road.  So there you go, it is, and probably always will be, our new new Tahoe.  Whatever you choose to call it, that bad boy is now spotless.  I love a good detailing!  But the best part of our day had to be our little jaunt to Bahama Bucks for snow cones. 


Haylen will readily tell anyone who is willing to listen that her all time favorite color right now is blue.  So, when we got to Bahama Bucks she asked, “Mommy, I get my own snow cone? Then very excitedly she added, “I want a BLUE ONE!!!”  Needless to say, today was the first day she actually got to pick out her very own snowcone without any help from Mommy.  Our sweet girl is growing up!  We each ordered our own favorites and headed out to the patio to enjoy them. 

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She may or may not have looked like she was turning into a Smurf by the time it was all said and done, but for her that snow cone was her very own little taste of paradise!

2014-07-07 15.37.08

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