Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Our Little Family is Growing

Watch out world!  Another little Havlik is on the way! 

2014-06-27 12.18.59

2014-06-27 12.17.55

2014-06-27 12.07.15

Such an excited big sister! 

(A little side note here…I fully intended on taking super cute pictures of Haylen and that sign using my DSLR camera.  Nothing like a little photo shoot, right!  Only problem, I forgot to put my SD card back into my camera.  I had my good camera and couldn’t even use it!  Dang, pregnancy brain!  So, my trusty iPhone camera had to do.)


I feel like it was just yesterday we found out we were expecting, and yet we’re more than halfway to there.  I am 23 weeks and 4 days today.  Little miss is due to make her grand entrance October 16th. 



Sweet Baby Sister!

An ultrasound picture from the day we found out we were having another little girl!



So, in a nutshell, our little family is growing by two feet!

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