Thursday, July 3, 2014

Fiesta Texas

Back in May, CJ was asked to help out with a band field trip at his school.  They would be going to San Antonio to perform and then attending Fiesta Texas that afternoon.  Pretty awesome, right!  CJ and I decided that I would take the day off as well, and Haylen and I would meet him at the park.  Since school was still in session, we figured it would be the perfect time to take Haylen without Fiesta Texas being so crazy busy.  CJ had to ride the bus to SA with the band and they left pretty doggone early that Friday morning.  Haylen and I were able to take our time, pack up, and hit the road a little bit later.  Look out San Antonio, here we come!

2014-05-16 10.33.15

We arrived at the park about 2:00ish, and our girl was excited and ready to go!  As she and I pulled into the parking lot, she noticed all the roller coasters.  “Look Mommy!  Look at all the slides!  I want to go slide!”  I then had to gently break it to her that no, those were not slides, and well, she didn’t exactly meet the height requirement to get on. LOL!  A little back story here, when we originally told Haylen that we were going to Fiesta Texas, the first thing she said was, “Mommy, can I ride the choo choo train?”  She was pulling at straws here, and just so happened to pull the right one.  She is currently a big Chuggington fan and loves trains, so in her little mind, she just assumed that this magical Fiesta Texas place we were talking about just had to have one.  Low and behold, the kid happened to be right.  She was sold on going the minute I said, “Of course you can ride the train!”  Guess what our first stop was when we entered the gates.  You guessed it!  We found the nearest train stop and rode that thing all around the park.


She loved every minute of that train ride.  Here’s a picture of her as we were waiting for it to take off.


After the train ride, we explored the park for every ride our sweet girl could enjoy.  She and Daddy rode it all while I took pictures because apparently pregnancy means the only thing you can ride at Fiesta Texas is the train.  Here she is waiting in line for their very first ride!  Look how excited she is!


The only stipulation on this ride was that she couldn’t sit in the driver’s seat and drive the non-drivable car.  Really!?!  The thing is on a track so it’s not like it’s gonna go anywhere.  So, she sat in the passenger seat and laid on the horn the entire way through the ride. 


Let’s just say, ride number one was a big hit!


The carousel was next.  Here she is in line trying to decide which animal she was going to ride.


She decided to go traditional and chose a horse.


Just waving to Mommy!


Another car ride.  At least this one had a steering wheel she could play with.




Some high flying strawberry fun rounded out our afternoon!



We ended up leaving Fiesta Texas about 5:30, and while she loved every minute, she was ready to go when we left.  We hadn’t made it completely out of the parking lot when I checked the backseat and found her like this…

2014-05-16 17.47.08

Needless to say, we all had a blast!  Such a fun little family trip!

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