Thursday, July 3, 2014

Pin, Lose, or Draw #2 – Coffee Crumb Cake

A while back…like, say in February…I started, well, attempted to start, a little series here on my blog called Pin, Lose, or Draw to finally do something with all my countless pins on Pinterest.  You can check out my original post here.  It was a totally great idea until I found out that I was pregnant.  After that, I was doing good to stay awake after work, so trying out new pins kinda fell to the wayside.  Well, now that I feel like myself again (just a little bigger in the midsection), and I’m on summer vacation, its time to revive my Pin, Lose, or Draw series.  So, here we go…


Last night I tried out this Coffee Crumb cake that I had pinned a while back.  We wanted something sweet, and it caught my eye as I was going through all the desserts I have pinned.  The ingredients weren’t anything fancy.  Honestly, I had everything to make it right here at home, except for the buttermilk.  But, since we needed to run by the store anyway, that wasn’t a problem.  Let me tell you, this was the EASIEST cake to make.  No giant mixer needed.  Just two bowls, some measuring cups, measuring spoons, a 9 inch pie plate, and a spatula.  No big mess.  My kinda baking! 



  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 and 1/4 stick unsalted butter (softened but cold to the touch)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 3/4 cup buttermilk
  • 1 egg
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 2/3 cup brown sugar
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon


You start by mixing the flour and sugar together in a large bowl.  I used a whisk to stir it up.  Just a personal preference of mine, I like how it mixes the flour and sugar, but feel free to use what ever kitchen utensil you’d like.  Once that’s all mixed, add in the butter.  Just cut your butter into cubes and then use a pastry cutter (also known as a pastry blender.  This is the one I have here.) to work the butter into the flour/sugar mixture until it resembles really coarse crumbs.  When it’s good and crumby, scoop out one cup of the mixture and set it aside for later.  Next, add the salt, baking soda, and baking powder into the mixture remaining in the large bowl.  Mix well with a spatula.  Finally, add the buttermilk, egg, and vanilla extract.  At this point, it really doesn’t take long to mix together.  I stirred until the ingredients were just combined.  Pour this mixture into your 9 inch pie plate.  Make sure your pie plate had been greased using butter and flour, or with PAM for baking, as I prefer (PAM is so much easier!).  Now, go back to the cup of flour/sugar/butter crumbs you set aside earlier.  Pour the cup of crumbs, brown sugar, and cinnamon in a medium sized bowl and mix.  Take this mixture and sprinkle it all over the top of the batter you just put into your pie plate.  Pop it all in the oven for 45 minutes and bake at 350 degrees.  The only catch to all of this is the fact that you have to let it sit and cool for 2 hours after it’s done.  Why you might ask?  Honestly, I have no idea other than the recipe said to.  But let’s just say, this cake is totally worth the wait! 


Oh. My. Goodness.  Our little family LOVED this cake.  The actual cake is moist and delicious, and the crumbs, oh the crumbs, simply delectable.  This cake goes perfect with a big glass of milk, or a cup of hot tea, if you’d rather.  Last night after having a piece, my two year old told me I was the best Mommy ever for making this cake.  Yup, it’s that good!


Verdict:  I followed the recipe to a T, and it turned out just as it said it would.  It was simple, easy to follow, easy to make, and my word, so delicious to eat!  I’m really going to have to check out more recipes from this website, Gal On A Mission, if they all turn out like this one.  This recipe is an astounding…

Pin lose or draw signs

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