Monday, July 14, 2014

Our San Antonio Weekend Part 1: Sea World

About 3 weeks ago, our family packed up and headed to San Antonio, well Helotes to be exact, for the weekend.  My sister who lives there is about to move out of state, so this would be our last trip to their house before their big move. 


We got there Friday afternoon, unloaded, picked up my nephew, and headed off for an afternoon of fun at Sea World.  Now, it has been years, and I do mean years, since either CJ or I had stepped foot in Sea World.  When we arrived, we needed to eat.  After renting a stroller, which I totally recommend due to the fact that strollers are not allowed into any of the shows or into most attractions (I’m not all about leaving our good stroller hanging out unsupervised), we headed to the nearest restaurant.  You want another one of my recommendations?  If coming to the park around lunchtime, eat before you get there.  The line was crazy long and the food, well, it was park food.  Once we were done eating we went to find the sharks.  From the minute we told her we were going to Sea World, Haylen had been so excited to see the sharks.  We found the shark exhibit and it went a little something like this…   


“Mommy!  Look at that guy!


And that guy!!!


Mommy!  Daddy!  LOOK AT THAT GUY!!!!”  All while jumping up and down.


Needless to say, the sharks might have possibly been her favorite attraction.  From the sharks, we walked all the way across the park to the Shamu show.  Remember how I said we hadn’t been to Sea World in quite some time?  Well, let’s just say, the Shamu show isn’t as exciting as I remember.  Now that the trainers aren’t allowed in the water with the whales, it’s just not the same.  Kinda boring if you want my honest opinion.  They tried to spice it up a little with big screens and videos, but really all the whales can do is swim around the tank, jump out of the water a little, splash the crowd, wave, and repeat.  Gets a little old after a while; however, due to the crazy standing room only crowd you’d never know it wasn’t that exciting.  The best part of the show was watching Shamu and his family swim around the tank after the show was over and everybody had left the stadium.  This was the part Haylen enjoyed the most.


From the Shamu show, we went right on over to the next show.  The show we really could not miss, Elmo Rocks!  Haylen loved this one! 


Elmo, the Sesame Street crew, upbeat music, did I mention Elmo?


Who knew Ernie could be so cool!?!


We took a little break from the shows and went to see the sea lions after Elmo.


I seriously think she could have watched them for hours.  Maybe that was due to the fact she found a great place to see that wasn’t packed with millions of people.


We watched one last show before leaving the park, and I have to say, I am so glad we did.  This show definitely made up for the lack of entertainment Shamu provided.  The Azul show did not disappoint. 


The show was funny, exciting, entertaining, AND the trainers were allowed to get into the water with the animals.


I’d highly recommend going to see this show.  By the time Azul was over, Haylen was fading fast.  We stopped at the gift shop on the way out for 2 t-shirts and a stuffed Shamu, and our sweet girl barely made it out of the parking lot before crashing in her carseat.

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