Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Mini Olympics

May 17th, the day after we went to Fiesta Texas, (I know, still playing catch up here) Haylen participated in her very first Mini Olympics.  The Mini Olympics is like the end of year recital at her gym.  Now I must say, this was quite a busy day.  After going to Fiesta Texas, we spent the night with my sister in Helotes.  We woke up early Saturday morning, which is nothing new for our family, Haylen is quite the early bird, because we knew we had a 3 hour trip ahead of us.  But, before leaving San Antonio, we had to stop at our favorite breakfast joint, The Magnolia Pancake Haus.  You just don’t pass up a chance to eat at this place. You just don’t!
2013-02-23 08.03.47
After breakfast we packed up and headed back home.  We had just enough time to stop at home, unload the Tahoe, get Haylen in her leo, and head out to the gym.  This was our very first Mini Olympics, so we really didn’t know what to expect, but the gym didn’t disappoint.  They had the big gym set up for showing off what the kiddos had learned on each apparatus, bars, beam, floor, vault, rings, and trampoline.  The kids went through three rotations on each apparatus for all the parents and spectators to see.   Since Haylen had been in the Mommy and Me class, I went through each rotation by her side.  At the end, each gymnast was given a Mini Olympics t-shirt and a trophy.  Here are a few pictures from her performance.

Showing how she can walk OVER the beanbags on the beam.
A big five from Coach Barb!
Showing off her skills on bars.
Check out that handstand.  Look at those strong arms!
High fives from her coach Miss Miranda.
On the vault, she didn’t want anything to do with poor Coach Julian, (I don’t know why, but she has always been very shy with guys) so Mommy had to help her instead.
Haylen on the rings showing how she can swing in a tuck.
Jumping on the trampoline about to show off her seat drops.
Up on the podium at the closing of the ceremony.  She was a little unsure of the crowd, as you can see by her face. 
Me and my little gymnast.
Wearing her new t-shirt and holding her new trophy.  She even got a flower from MiMi and Poppa for doing such a great job.
Showing off her trophy to Aunt Missy and Uncle Mike.  She was so proud of that trophy, but she couldn’t wait to take off the t-shirt because it covered up her new leo. 
I’d say her first Mini Olympics was quite a hit!

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